How to Tell if Your Teenager is Over scheduled
The American workweek seems to be getting longer by the minute. In fact, according to research from Gallup, what was once intended to be a 40-hour workweek is now edging closer to 50 hours—or 10 every single weekday—with the average American working a staggering 47 hours a week. Do you know how to tell if your teenager is over scheduled when your stuck at work?
For those with children, logging these long hours at work often means a difficult choice. One choice is leaving kids to their own devices. The other is ensuring they have plenty of activities to keep them busy until you get home.
In many cases, this doesn’t just mean the kids with non-stop after school activities are simply given more free rein. Sometimes it can have quite the opposite affect. So, how do you know if your teenager is over scheduled?

How to Tell if Your Teenager is Over scheduled
By Candice Shaffer of 181 Fremont, Brooklyn Point, One Manhattan Square
200 Amsterdam, & 21 East 12th Street
They’re stressed:
If your child seems particularly stressed out, it might not be solely the result of their demanding academic schedule at school. According to researchers at Walden University, being over scheduled is closely linked to increased stress levels among children. If your child is acting more stressed out than usual, it might be a good idea to scale back.
They’re anxious:
While stress on its own is serious enough, over time, unchecked stress can lead to serious anxiety. Over scheduling is linked to both, according to one study published in The High School Journal. Considering that anxiety is also closely linked to depression, overeating, high blood pressure, and even increased heart attack risk, there’s no time like the present to nix an activity or two.
They can’t sleep:
With most adults, stress and anxiety can lead to tons of tossing and turning at night. The same is true for over scheduled kids, too. Unfortunately, sleeplessness can precede a whole host of health issues. These vary from weight gain to an increased risk of depression. Cutting out a few activities a week could make a significant difference.

They stop doing things they typically like doing:
One of the most telltale signs your kids are over scheduled? They stop enjoying the things that once made them happy. Not only can anxiety and stress both cause a sudden disinterest in things your kids used to love, being over scheduled can simply mean they don’t have time for things that are developmentally appropriate and can cognitively benefit them, like reading and unstructured play.
Their academic performance starts lagging:
While many parents over schedule their children as a means of boosting their academic performance, doing so often has the opposite effect. If you want your kids to get good grades (and actually enjoy school) it’s imperative you give them plenty of unstructured time, as well.

How to Tell if Your Teenager is Over scheduled
Before those extracurricular activities start getting the best of your child, make sure you know these signs of over scheduling first. Nipping this problem in the bud before it becomes an issue for your child and your family as a whole will make your whole family happier in the long run.