Parenting a teenager comes with its own set of joys and struggles. Though they can be stubborn as all get out, the reality is they are just trying to figure out the world around them. In those teenage years, they are dealing with a multitude of changes. Hormones are kicking in, drama with friends, dating and curfews are just a few things that are going on that they are trying to navigate. If that wasn’t enough, the anxiety of getting ready for college and the world outside their parent’s home is ever looming. They are excited, but often have no idea what life skills they need to learn before going off to college. As parents, we want our children to have the best experiences in life. We want life to be as joyful as possible for them, while having as little bumps in the road as possible. Though it is sometimes easier to do everything for them, it is not what is best for them. It is essential to teach them the skill they need to succeed in life. Here are seven life skills to teach your teen before they go off to college. As adults, they will be very…
Explaining Autism to Siblings in a Positive Way
Helping your other children understand autism in a positive way will help smooth their comprehension and adjustment.
One sister’s view on having two siblings with autism
Having an autism diagnosis is something that affects the whole family. This goes the same towards other diagnosis such as adhd, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and …
What items to label for children going back to school
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Stick2Me. All views and opinions are my own, and very honest. It’s August, and once again we are preparing …
6 Helpful Tips for a Comfortable Pregnancy
If you have found these tips for a comfortable pregnancy helpful, please let us know by leaving feedback or questions. We always appreciate hearing from our readers.
Real MVPkids books: Inspire Character
Is going to the doctor a struggle for your little one? Have you had your toddler’s first dentist checkup? What if there was a way …
What Items Should You Purchase for Baby’s Nursery?
When you become a new parent, there is so much to learn! Bringing baby home is just the first step! I know when I brought …
Disney Princess Pleybox Subscription Review – Princess Ariel
Do you children watch YouTube or YouTube kids? If they do, then you might have seen an unboxing episode or five hundred! Unboxing videos are …
How to Wash Baby Clothes – Parenting 101
Laundry never seems to end in our home. I thought it was bad enough with having three girls in the home. With dress-up clothes and …
End the Morning Struggles! Make Mornings Great Again!
A morning routine can be a struggle for any household. Having four children, two with autism, morning can be rather hectic around here. Most morning, …