Many people choose to buy a used car over a new one because of how much cheaper it can be, but not everyone is confident in picking the right vehicle for their needs. Buying a used car comes with complications – nobody wants to end up with something that doesn’t work correctly. But if you know nothing about cars, it’s too easy to fall into a trap. Luckily, you can do a few things to make sure that the car you buy is of the quality you expect it to be.

Buying a used car? Here’s what you need to know

Remember, regardless of whether your car is used or new. You’ll need car insurance to cover you while out on the road. Check out the packages at Metromile before taking your car out for a spin.

Buying a Used Car? Here's What You Need to Know - Tips for Finding the Right Vehicle and Avoiding Pitfalls by checking for warranties, test driving, and more.

Choose a reputable dealership.

While you can find all kinds of used cars being sold privately by their owners, it’s much harder to assess the quality of the car. A reputable dealership is more likely to be open and honest about the quality of the car. Plus, they’ll have websites that feature many of their available vehicles, meaning you can easily Explore the UK SsangYong vehicle range here, for example.

This can save you significant time in the long run, as you’ll be able to find the car for your needs much quicker than trawling through private sellers. Moreover, individual owners could mislead you or have little understanding of the internal workings of cars themselves. Unless you seek a professional opinion on a car before buying it from a private seller, go to a dealership for a smoother, hassle-free transaction.

Always test drive

Never pass up an opportunity to test drive the used car you’re thinking about buying. If the seller seems reluctant to offer this, push them to allow you to sit behind the wheel. Driving a used car can help you understand its quality and whether it will suit you. This is especially important if the car differs from the one you’ve had before, as not all cars feel the same. You’ll also know immediately if something isn’t quite right, whether that’s a rattling engine, a sticky break, or faulty suspension.


Before buying a used car, ask the owner or seller if they have all the documents to go with it. Ideally, you should receive a history of all the car’s services and a record of any significant repairs. This information can tell you how the previous owners treated the car and whether it has a history of breaking down. A reliable dealership will always have all this information; it could be a significant red flag if they don’t.

Ask for a warranty.

If something should happen in the first few weeks or months of you having the car, then it’s always nice to have someone else cover the costs of repairs. Many dealerships will offer a guarantee because they have thoroughly checked the car and know it’s in good condition. It’s worth signing up for this, even if it costs a little extra, just for the peace of mind.

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