Amazing Mom Mondays Featuring Ashley Logsdon - Featuring Amazing Moms from around the World #WeLoveMoms

Welcome to our Amazing Moms Monday series! Motherhood comes in all shapes and sizes.  Mothers come from varying different backgrounds, each with their own unique story.

Mom’s have one of the most fulfilling jobs in the world!  Too often, we lose sight of what is most important and focus on what we feel are failures.  So to change that narrative, we will be featuring an Amazing Mom every Monday to inspire us all to make a change!

The Mom Kind is proud to partner with the #WeLoveMoms movement to celebrate these amazing parent role models!  These moms are making a difference in their communities and offer some real world inspiration.

 “The Journey of a thousand miles, Begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

The #WeLoveMoms movement aims to provide inspiration to moms in need.  To find out more about this project and how you can help, please check us out here.

Through the inspiration of the Amazing Moms: Parents of the 21st century coffee table book (Mother’s Day 2018), we are so happy to feature these beautiful women who demonstrate motherhood in unique ways!

Without further ado, let’s check out this week’s featured Amazing Mom!

Amazing Mom Mondays Featuring Ashley Logsdon - Featuring Amazing Moms from around the World #WeLoveMoms

Amazing Moms Monday Featuring:

Ashley Logsdon from Tennessee, USA

About Ashley:

Ashley is an amazing mom to three girls ages 9, 7 and 4 and wife to Nathan, former realtor, current adventurer. She is also a Marriage and Family Coach, where she takes families from surviving to thriving with realistic actionable steps to step out of reaction and live with intention.

Five months ago my family and I launched from Nashville, TN to travel around the United States in an RV indefinitely. We made the intentional decision to not simply wait for “one day”, but embrace the beauty of life around us and take a hands-on approach to learning (and life) with our kids.

Ashley enjoys hiking and exploring the outdoors, and am a fan of walking barefoot as much as possible.  She also loves blogging for her blog Mama Says Namaste.

What I do well as a mom:

To quote Dr. Seuss, “a person’s a person no matter how small.” I make it a point to validate my child’s feelings and meet her where she is emotionally. I’m also good at teaching my child how to act respectful towards other people and practicing being love versus being right.

What I learned from another mom:

Pick your battles. Not every single situation is worth a full blown teaching moment, and sometimes letting my child wear the fairy dress in the middle of winter is worth it for the time we spend playing together vs. battling.

Lesson learned from my child:

To soak in the little moments and see things from a different point of view. When you hone in on one tiny thing – an ant, a flower – you can silence the craziness around you and focus in on the little things that mean so much – in nature, and in life!

Amazing Moms Monday

Thank you Ashley for being an Amazing Mom and inspiration to us all!  Make sure to head over to Ashley’s blog to check out her latest writings.

Until Next Week

Thanks for checking out this week’s Amazing Moms Monday!  Make sure to check out the #WeLoveMoms movement as well as the upcoming release of the Amazing Moms: Parents of the 21st century book.  Join us again next week, when we feature another amazing mom!

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