When it comes to animals, we all know they can offer a special bond with you like none other. When it comes to disabilities, animals have been helping people in massive ways. Whether a Seeing Eye dog for the blind, mobility assistance dogs or emotional support animals, people are understanding this bond more and more. For autistic individuals, a bond with an animal can do wonders. Such is the case with Jade & Trubs: The Story of the Unadoptable Cat & an Autistic Child
“Adopting a pet can greatly benefit the lives of people who are emotionally hurting.” – Temple Grandin, PhD
While many may think of dogs being supportive, they aren’t the only animals that can help. Cats can do wonders for autistic individuals and such is the case with Jade and Trubs. Jade is a young lady with autism and Trubs was an unadoptable cat.

Mutual Rescue has brought together a film demonstrating the difference the bond between the two has made in both of their lives.
Like many autistic children, Jade struggled to interact with other children and coping with emotional regulation. Bedtime was the hardest for Jade, with everything seeming to cause her sensory overload. Her parents wanted to find a way to help her with these struggles.
Jade & Trubs: The Story of the Unadoptable Cat & an Autistic Child
One day, Jade’s family had a mix up with the keys and they were locked out of the home for a few hours. During this time, Jade’s mom asked her what she wanted to do. Jade responded that she wanted to pet the kitties. Her mom decided to take her to their local shelter. It was there that Jade found Trubs. Hidden under a blanket, was a cat that needed Jade as much as Jade need her. While Trubs has been antisocial with most people, that all changed with he met Jade. Watch this video to find out what happens next:
Mutal Rescue
Mutual Rescue is the result of two amazing people crossing paths at a local Café in the summer of 2015. Carol Novello & David Whitman had a mutual friend, and their conversation that day focused on the fascinating connection between animals and people. Mutual Rescue’s purpose is to challenge the misconceptions and perceptions of animal welfare philanthropy. That helping animals is also helping people!
Mutual Rescue is changing the conversation from “people or animals” to “people and animals.” Through the sharing of authentic stories in both film and print, this amazing organization is showing compelling evidence that when people adopt animals, their own lives are often positively changed in so many ways. That often, it’s the rescue animal who is rescuing people instead.

Mutual Rescue, How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You too.
Through the success of their many films, Carol Novello was inspired to write a book to share even more of these stories. In Mutual Rescue, How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save YouToo, Carol shares countless stories, anecdotes, and the science behind the unique bond between people and their pets.
Whether you get this book for yourself, or as a gift for someone you love, I highly recommend getting a copy of Mutual Rescue, How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You too.

In addition to the other amazing aspects of this great organization is the Doggy Day Out Program. Through the Mutual Rescue Doggy Day Out, volunteers take dogs from local shelters on outings into the community. You can take them on a hike, a trip to a beach, an overnight stay, or any other fun puppy activity. After that, you could even go to a pet-friendly restaurant for dinner. These outings reduce the dog’s stress, burn off extra energy, and help them be exposed to the community.
To Find out more about Mutual rescue and to view many more films, head to www.mutualrescue.org