All children are at risk for tooth decay, and that’s why regular dentist trips are essential. Here are four significant ways you can recognize cavities in kids.

You’ve been paying special care to make sure they brush their teeth twice a day, but this still happened. How do you prevent it?

Know the Drill: 4 Major Ways You Can Recognize Cavities in Kids

The best way is to notice the signs of cavities in kids ahead of time so you can begin treating the problem before it gets too bad. Check out this guide to learn all the signs that you should be looking out for.

1. Holes Will Form

If your child doesn’t clean their teeth thoroughly or often enough, white spots will begin to form on the surface. If this white spot is allowed to stick around, it will start to create a hole in the child’s tooth.

A lot of times, you’ll be able to see the hole and get your child to the dentist as soon as you can. Sometimes, however, the hole forms in a crevice and hides out until it becomes painful for your child to eat.

If you’re able to notice holes in your child’s teeth, make a dental appointment for them to get tooth fillings right away.

2. Dark Stains

As tooth decay begins to take shape, the white spots on your kid’s teeth will slowly start to get darker. These stains start on the surface of the tooth and manage to burrow themselves in.

This affects the nerve of the tooth. The deeper the decay is allowed to set in, the more painful it will become.

3. Pain and Sensitivity

Decay eats away at the enamel of the tooth. As the enamel wears down, the softer dentin hiding underneath will become vulnerable.

When this happens, the extreme temperatures that come from hot and cold food will be allowed to slip through the dentin and directly affect the sensitive nerves inside the tooth.

Hot and cold foods aren’t the only thing that stimulates the nerve cells in the tooth. Sugary snacks do it too. The sweetness can get past the dentin and overstimulate those sensitive nerves.

4. Toothache

If your child has been complaining about a sore tooth for a few days now, it might be time to take them to the dentist. A painful tooth is one of the most apparent signs of cavities in children.

What’s a real cause for alarm is if they’re experiencing severe jaw pain as well.

Recognizing the Signs of Cavities in Kids

Are you worried that your child might be developing cavities? There are ways to find out for sure if this is what they are dealing with.

They’ll show apparent signs of cavities in kids, such as pain and staining. It’s up to you to notice the signs and get them to a dentist sooner than later. Take care of your little one’s happy smile.

Are you looking for more ways to protect your kids from dental issues such as cavities? Check out our blog, The Mom Kind, daily for more posts like this one.

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