Divorce in Texas might take an extended period, depending on various circumstances. After you file for divorce, you may anticipate it to take some time until it is completed. Getting a divorce when both parties agree on the conditions is straightforward. Alternatively, they might face a lengthy trial, lasting many months or even years.
How Long Do You Have To Be Separated Before Divorce In TX?
At Law of Office of Ben Carrasco, a divorce lawyer is devoted to providing you with the attention you need during the divorce process. To assist you in getting the most excellent possible conclusion in your case, he has made it his life’s work. There are no two marriages the same. As a client, you need a Texas divorce lawyer who will listen to your side of things and work tirelessly to reach a fair settlement on your behalf.
In the same way that each marriage is unique, each divorce is unique. Divorce, on the other hand, often follows these steps:

Pre-filing (a few weeks)
To be ready to file for divorce, you must first decide whether you want one and then consult with an attorney on how to proceed.
A standard element of divorce is choosing whether or not you may mend a marriage via marital therapy or some other type of mediation. You should call the police promptly if you or your children are the victims of abuse. If you’re not sure, spend some time thinking about it.
Next, you’ll need to hire an expert divorce lawyer, such as a lawyer in The Woodlands, Texas. To ensure that you and any children you have are protected in the event of divorce, you should see a family law attorney. In addition, this is the period when you select what assets and custody you want.
Filing (a few days)
As soon as you and your divorce lawyer are ready to proceed, you and your spouse will submit a petition to the court to end your marriage to each other. Requests for property, child support, or alimony are included in this petition.
If either spouse has resided in Texas for at least six months and has been a resident of the area they petitioned for the preceding ninety days, they may be the Petitioner.
Waiting period (60 days)
A mandated 60-day waiting period begins when a petition is filed in Texas. In circumstances of domestic abuse, the court can grant a 60-day waiver, but most couples must wait it out. When a divorce is not given within this time, the other party still has to answer the petition, and the process may proceed as usual.
Responding to a petition (roughly 20-28 days)
For the Respondent to know that there is a case, they will need to serve a petition. Petitions may be done via delivery service, publishing, certified mail, or simply placed in a place where they can be discovered, depending on the laws in your area.
Service of process may prolong your case if you do not know your spouse’s location. Respondents have 20-28 days from the date of receipt of the petition to react, either by accepting the requests, disputing the petition, or requesting an extension to reach an agreement.
Contesting a divorce (a few months to years)
During a divorce dispute, both parties will engage in discovery to gather evidence to support their claims and arguments. Before a trial, attorneys from both sides often meet down and negotiate to come to a settlement. A typical tactic used by one lawyer to intimidate the other is to continue delaying the court date.
Temporary orders (a few weeks)
As complicated divorces proceed, the judge may grant temporary orders outlining who will remain in the family home, how much time the children will be spending with different family members, and the amount of quick child, spousal, or community debts that will be paid by the parties involved in the divorce process as well.
Final divorce hearing (a few days)
The last hearing in a divorce case is where a decision is made. Based on the amount and validity of provided evidence, this hearing might last a few days and is generally arranged months in advance.
It’s clear that divorce is a complicated and frequently tricky undertaking. It’s one that’s best handled by a Texas family law attorney with plenty of expertise. It’s reassuring to know that just a small percentage of divorces end up in court. To reach an agreement in a divorce, both parties must be willing to compromise.