Encouraging autistic children’s interests can help them throughout life
By Jane Eyres
“People with autism tend to be more all-or-nothing than most people: something is either absolutely not interesting or absolutely fascinating.”
This quote on the fascination that autistic children can feel for certain subjects or activities hits the nail on the head.
Parents can sometimes worry when their child’s interests are extremely focused. Being knowledgeable about a subject can actually be a great strength for autistic children.
There have been some really neat studies when it comes to autistic children’s interest. When invited to join clubs focused on a topic they love, it has improved their social interactions. Because the children’s deep knowledge of a field, it fosters communication and social interaction with other children.
Why Foster Your Child’s Interest?
A child’s interests can help improve his or her social skills. They can also improve the effectiveness of therapies, even in toddlers.
One study by researchers at the University of Washington found that toddlers who play with a limited number of toys, for instance, showed greater improvement than those receiving other community-based treatments.
The benefits of being passionate about something extend into adulthood. New York University researchers found that adults on the spectrum see their interests as paths for study and career choices.
Just take Dr. Temple Grandin for example!
Giving Your Child Vital Tools
Because autistic children can become so passionate about the things they love, it is important to give them the chance to obtain specialized information.
Parents can supervise and allow children to use child-friendly portable electronic gadgets that will enable them to access online information. They can read articles or books on their favorite subject. By looking through and editing photographs, they can use them for art or science projects.
By investing in a few key items, you will show your child love and support. Making it clear that loving what you do is important for any age.
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Introducing New Hobbies
Your child might be interested in a set of specific topics. How can you expand upon these topic so that your child takes part in a wider range of activities? Classification (or indexing) is key at this point.
You can show your child how books are divided into topics and subtopics. Can they work alongside you to make subtopics for their favorite topic? For instance, if they love animals, you might divide this subject up into different kingdoms, families, classes, etc.
One Interest, Hundreds of Activities
Sometimes you might guide them into an activity that focuses on information. Using animals as an example. They can learn about their habitats, habits, interesting facts, etc.
Other times you could focus on design. You can work together on making a poster about their favorite animals, choosing those that are a similar color, size, etc. You could have them to pay attention to the look and feel of the page. Teaching them about choosing the right font size and style are key to getting the poster’s look just right
As noted in the Organization for Autism Research, autistic children
“are often good with computers because they have an easier time visually focusing on material illustrated on a computer monitor. In addition, many children like software programs because of their predictability, the repetition of the activity and the engaging animation.”
Encouraging autistic children’s interests can help them throughout life
Special interests are a magnificent area in which autistic children can shine. Not only can interests make them fascinating to others and thereby increase social interaction, but also enable kids to feel confident about their knowledge and expertise.
Working with rather than against a child’s strengths and creatively piquing their interest in new subjects can be rewarding for adults as it is for kids.