Kid Stuff - Parenting

How to Decorate Your Apartment for the Fourth of July with Your Kids

The Fourth of July is here, and with it comes all of the trappings of America’s favorite summer holiday: dazzling fireworks, time with friends and family, much-needed days off from school and work, and not to mention the delicious food—fried chicken and corn on the cob, anyone?

You and your family are ready to head outside to bask in the summer sun to celebrate the nation’s independence. But why keep the holiday festivities outdoors this year?

Add a little bit of the red, white, and blue to your interiors and decorate your apartment for the 4th! These uncomplicated projects are not only fun for you, but your kids will really enjoy them as well for a party in your apartment.

Here are five ways to decorate your apartment for the Fourth of July party with kids:

Add a little bit of the red, white, and blue to your interiors and decorate your apartment for the 4th! Here are five ways to decorate your apartment for the Fourth of July party with kids

How to Decorate Your Apartment for the Fourth of July with Your Kids

By Candice Shaffer of The CentraleThe RennieEVGBPark LoggiaThe AstorOne Dalton,  Modern Spaces

Flag Placemats

You’ll undoubtedly be doing a lot of eating over the Fourth of July holiday. With flag placemats, you can make every meal a celebration. For a flag placemat, feel free to make it as complicated or straightforward as you’d like. For young children, your best bet is to use paper. Take a thick stock paper and either draw, paint, or paste stars and stripes. To make this a durable placemat, take your creations to a nearby office supply store, and have them laminated. Allow older kids to paint their flag on “blank” fabric placemats and use fabric paint. Don’t forget that these are exceptional items to use year after year, so save them.

Flag Garland or Wreaths

Just some string, twine, or a wreath form and a little imagination are all you need to make a red, white, and blue garland or wreath. Pick your materials like paper, ribbon, or cloth and simply tie them onto the string or form. One blogger suggests using handkerchiefs to get a really charming vibe.

Indepedence Day 4th July emblem with a blue stars bow and curly red and white ribbon to celebrate the Declaration of Independence of the Untited States of America

Decorative Mason Jars

Does any glassware say “Americana” more than a mason jar? It’s true, they are now the de facto hipster drinking vessel and candle holder of choice for rustic-chic weddings, but they are also a versatile decoration. Buy a few of these kid-friendly plastic jars and fill them with red, white, and blue materials, like colored glass stones, paper, confetti, or even colored sand. For a “fireworks” effect, add a string of battery operated “fairy” string lights that are available in most craft stores or online. Your children can even use these as a nightlight.

Paper Lanterns

Paper lanterns have been around for centuries, and they are the perfect way to add a bit of Fourth of July magic to your apartment without much fuss. Just purchase some—say it with me—red, white, and blue lanterns and assemble them by popping them up and using the insert to make them rigid. But this is where the fun begins. Have your kids paint over them or use star stickers or washi tape to add a little Fourth of July flare.

Fireworks Projection

This is less of an arts-and-crafts project and more of an art installation. No matter how big your apartment is, you won’t be able to bring the fireworks inside. You can, however, have your own fireworks display anytime you or the little ones want. Just find some empty space on your wall, grab a projector, and find your favorite fireworks display on YouTube and project that on the wall—or better yet: the ceiling. If you don’t have a projector, Amazon sells several affordable ones. They’re a good investment that you’ll use over and over again for at-home drive-in-style movie nights with your family.

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