
Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation

Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation Las Vegas

They do not speak through words, but through actions, music, and art.  Though they are blue, they speak through a spectrum of colors.  Many of their performances show a display of innocence, being perplexed by the world around them.  Did I just describe Blue Man Group or Autism Spectrum Disorder?  Well today, the answer is both! Do you know about the upcoming Blue Man Group Las Vegas 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation?

Blue Man Group Sensory Friendly Performance

Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation

Recently, I had the distinct honor to speak with two amazing women, Mary Grisolano (Resident General Manager of Blue Man Group) and Terri Janison (Chief Executive Officer of Grant a Gift Autism Foundation) about this amazing event!

For its fourth annual Sensory Friendly Performance, Blue Man Group is donating a portion of the sales to the Grant a Gift Autism Foundation.  This awesome event is taking place at their Las Vegas location on Sunday June 10th, 2018 at 4pm.  

By now, I am sure you have a ton a questions.  How is it sensory friendly? How much do the tickets cost? What kind of funds will Grant a Gift Autism Foundation receive from this event?  Who is Grant a Gift?

To answer all those questions about Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation, check out our interviews below!

Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation Las Vegas

Interview Highlights for Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation

Speaking with Mary Grisolano (resident General Manager of Blue Man Group)

What Changes are made to help make this show sensory friendly?

Blue Man Groups Sensory Friendly Performance provides a ton of outlets to make this event enjoyable by everyone that attends.  Through out key areas of the performance, the lights and sound levels are reduced that can be overwhelming to many with sensory needs.

This event is an absolutely free of judgment event.  People are encouraged to enjoy the event in what ever way makes them happy.   For those moments that can become overwhelming, we offer accommodations such as ear plugs and a soothing lobby.

What was the inspiration behind having a Sensory Friendly Show?

So many families really resonate with Blue Man Group.  Though Blue Man Group does not speak, they interact with the audience and have a  full conversation through art and music.  Their child like joy impacts people in such a positive way.  It was really a no-brainer to have this event and help sponsor amazing organizations like Grant a Gift Autism Foundation.

What has the experience from previous Sensory Friendly Performances been like?

Fantastic!  Every member of Blue Man Group wants to participate in the events.  Our most loved responses have come from these performances.  Many families have even started making this an annual event to attend.  We absolutely love it!

How much are tickets to the Show?

We wanted to make this event affordable to as many people as we can.  The price of tickets are $36.  $20 from each ticket sale will go to Grant a Gift Autism Foundation.  Tickets can be purchased through our site:

Mary, do you have any favorite moments from one of these events?

You’re making me cry just thinking about it! At out Chicago show, there was a little boy who had stopped all eye contact over the last few months.  There are opportunities to meet and greet with Blue Man Group at these events.

When it was this little guy’s time to meet with one of the members of Blue Man Group, they touched hands and locked eyes.

The next several minutes, they spent communicating through touch with no spoken words.  Touching hands and face.  His mother was in awe, and so was everyone in the room.  Just an absolutely humbling experience.

That type of impact is why we do this and a memory I will never forget!

Speaking with Terri Janison (Chief Executive Officer of Grant a Gift Autism Foundation)

What is Grant a Gift Autism Foundation

Grant a Gift Autism Foundation’s goal is to help both children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  We work with families from diagnosis through employment, and every step along the way.

We are an all-inclusive center that provides services for every aspect of autism (both the person with the diagnosis as well as their family).  We provide scholarships for those who are uninsured, under-insured, and cannot afford the copays so that they can receive the services they need.

How much do the funds raised through events such as the Blue Man Group Sensory Friendly Performance help Grant a Gift Autism Foundation?

Simply put, we could not do what we do without the donations from events like these.  The funds raised go directly into helping families.  We use these donations to fund the scholarships that we use to provide families with services.

If people want to donate, but can’t make it to the show, how can they go about doing that?

To learn more about Grant a Gift Autism Foundation and to find out ways to help or donate, you can check out our website:

There ya Go!

I don’t know about you, but I am beyond excited about Blue Man Group 2018 Sensory Friendly Performance Benefiting Grant a Gift Autism Foundation!  If you want to check out some of their previous events, check out Blue Man Group’s facebook page!

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  1. travelthroughlifehannah

    This is such a great idea, I didnt realise they hosted a sensory session too! That is such a good price,

  2. Very insightful interview! Am glad to read about the Blue Man Group benefiting those on the spectrum!

  3. I had the good fortune of watching them perform on the Norwegian Epic a few years back. What an awesome idea though to help out a very worthwhile charity.

  4. That is really cool. I have so many friends with autistic children, and I love that the Blue Man Group has done a show just for them.

  5. This is such a noble cause. I absolutely loved reading about the little boy who stopped all eye contact but communicated with the Blue man group. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  6. I’ve heard of the Blue Man Group a while back and just how amazing they are. It’s great to see them with kids like this. and the amazing connection they have with the kids is admirable.

  7. This is such a lovely idea, I wish it would come to the UK, I know lots of families who would appreciate it.

  8. I am really happy that I found about this foundation and the event itself, I will pass it along to a friend of mine who has a beautiful little child has autism and maybe she can join you there. Thank you so much !

  9. I’ve heard of the blue man show but didn’t know exactly what they did. I think I thought they were a dance group like the Jabbawockeez (sp?). Thanks for writing this article, I’m glad I know more about them and would definitely want to see one of their shows with my daughter.

  10. this is so awesome. We have done sensory story times at the library. It helped out the kids a lot. That’s great they are reaching out to the autistic community.

  11. This was a crazy show. I had the pleasure of attending one of their shows a couple of weeks back and they are so much fun and impressive. They love kids and it shows.

  12. Oh wow I’ve always wanted to see the Blue man group because I hear it’s really great. I’m so happy they’re working in collaboration with such a great foundation.

  13. I’ve truthfully never seen their show and always wanted to. I think it’s fascinating how they communicate to an audience and captivates them. I may really have to make an effort this year and take my son to see them!

  14. simplysensationalfood

    The interview sounds very interesting and the blue man sensory group is some thing I did not know about but it is wonderful.

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