Concerned your child is falling behind? These 5 learning disability symptoms may help you figure out what is going on in your child’s education.

It’s easy to think that your child is lazy or doesn’t want to learn. If your child doesn’t seem to be interested in school, it isn’t necessarily because they are lazy or don’t want to learn.

Look for learning disability symptoms, and see if they are experiencing a hard time and need specialized help. If you don’t know what signs to look for, we are here to help.

5 Learning Disability Symptoms You Should Watch Out for in Your Child

Continue reading this article for more information on how to tell if your child has a learning disability.

1. Writing

Do you notice that your child takes a long time to write a sentence? They may push down on their pencil hard and grip the pencil until they are white-knuckling it.

Their handwriting may still be hard to read even if they took a long time to write a sentence. Likely, their text is poorly organized and hard to follow, and their spelling and grammar are notably lacking.

2. Reading

When you notice your child has difficulty reading, it could be because they can’t put together how the word makes a sound and translates to verbal speech. Their working memory may not be as good as other children. This causes them to have difficulty putting words together correctly.

You might find your child has difficulty reading at an average pace, understanding what they are reading, remembering what they read, or spelling words correctly.

3. Math

If you notice your child doesn’t understand numbers and how they work together, this could be a sign they have a learning disability. Memorizing math is usually an issue with kids that have learning disabilities. While it might be easy for some kids to remember 9 x 9 = 81, it could take them a long time to get it down.

While programs like Thinkster Math can help, you must look further into your child’s learning disability and ways to improve their specific challenges.

4. Memory

Poor memory and inability to use their memory to accomplish tasks are a couple of the significant signs to look for when you think your child has a learning disability. Playing memory games and getting them to recall spelling words can help to see if they might have problems with memory.

5. Clumsiness

If you notice your child is clumsy, this could be because of a neurological disorder that impacts your child’s ability to process and plan motor tasks. Notice how your child usually walks and see if you notice they run into things, trip, or underestimate space.

Spotting the Learning Disability Symptoms

Now you know more about learning disability symptoms and how to spot them. The sooner you know if your child has a learning disability, the sooner you’ll be able to get them the help they need to succeed.

Do you need more help understanding your child and other important issues? Our site is full of articles that can help you as you’re creating a better life for you and your family. Make sure to check out our special needs and parenting sections for more great articles!

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