decluttering child

Having a growing child is always going to mean you have many items, whether it’s treasured baby memories, items they’ve outgrown, or just a general mess during their older years that needs taking care of.

A Guide to Decluttering Your Child’s Room

Decluttering can help you both parent and child to understand what you need to keep, what needs deciding on, and helps both of you get into good organizational habits. If you’ve decided that it’s time for a good declutter of your child’s items, then here is a guide on how to achieve it best.

Go Through Everything with Them

If your child is decluttering their belongings, they may need a fresh pair of eyes and an objective mind regarding keeping certain items. Helping your child go through everything will make it seem a less overwhelming task, take less time between the two of you, and also help to ensure that your child stays focused and on task.

Decluttering Doesn’t Have to Mean Saying Goodbye

There may be many items relating to your child that either you or your child don’t want to say goodbye to, but you might not have any room for at the moment. This could apply to childhood memory items you or your child might want to keep.

If there is anything you want to store in case you need it down the line, then you can look into self-storage options, like at, to safely keep anything you like while ensuring it’s out of the house and helping for a clutter-free home.

Introduce New Storage

If you have too much stuff at home, but there are many items that you want to keep, it may simply need a reinterpretation of storage. Your child may need more storage options in their bedroom, or you may need to reorganize to make the most of your space. Doing this together can help to plan for what you need to store away and what you might need to buy storage-wise to make sure you can keep everything you need (without the clutter).

Make it Fun

As it may be challenging to keep your child-focused, decluttering and tidying can be stressful and tedious even for an adult. To make the concept of decluttering more fun for the both of you, think about how you can plan it to be more of a relaxed experience. You may want to make a fun music playlist to put on while you tidy or turn it into a game. Anything you can do to keep your child stimulated and motivated to declutter will be a big help.

Donate Anything You Don’t Need

Many child items can be a big help for donations, especially if it’s old clothes like baby and toddler clothes that can be donated and help out other parents. Old school uniforms may also be a big help for other families, so donate whatever you can to make sure all items go to a good place.

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