When you get home from a hard day at work, you only want to crawl into bed, pull the covers up to your face, and drift off into a restful slumber. But unfortunately, some people don’t become aware that they have a toothache until it bothers them while sleeping.
Even if you put in a lot of effort, the nagging and ongoing pain may prevent you from getting the restful sleep that your body needs. So what can you do to help you through the night, given that you can’t see your dentist until the morning?
If a toothache keeps you up at night or you are sleeping in pain, read on for some suggestions on alleviating the pain.
Ways to Get Rid of Toothache at Night
Nothing is more frustrating than a constant, excruciating toothache, except when they happen in the middle of the night. Since you probably can not go to the dentist at 3 in the morning, you’ll have to bear the pain till morning.
Is this the situation you find yourself in at the moment? To enjoy some restful sleep, try these pain relief strategies.

Salt Water Rinse
A saltwater rinse can be a quick and effective first-aid measure for tooth pain. Food and debris have become lodged between your teeth and gums, creating pain, but rinsing with salt water, a natural disinfectant, will help remove them.
Furthermore, salt water helps alleviate swelling and promote the healing of oral sores. A half-teaspoon of salt can be dissolved in a glass of warm water to create a simple mouthwash.
Over-the-counter Medications
In the case of a minor toothache, pain medication can provide almost instantaneous relief. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Do not succumb to the temptation of exceeding the suggested dosages when dealing with discomfort. Instead, if you’re still in pain the next day, call your dentist and ask for a more potent painkiller.
Cold Compress
Apply ice to the affected side of your face’s outer section by wrapping an ice pack, a bag of ice, or a pack of frozen veggies in a cloth or towel. There will be a reduction in pain intensity or complete numbness due to the constricted blood vessels on the affected side.
Apply the compress again, if necessary, every two hours, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes.
Brush and Floss
The discomfort of a toothache can make it challenging to complete your regular oral hygiene practice. But regular dental hygiene—brushing and flossing—can help lessen the ache.
The pain you’re experiencing is possibly due to trapped debris, including food. You should brush your teeth well before night to make sure nothing is bothering you there.
Cloves contain eugenol, a substance that naturally reduces pain. It’s excellent for relieving dental pain and numbing the area. A drop of clove oil or a few crushed cloves applied on the affected tooth will provide instant relief.
It also reduces swelling and inflammation naturally. Cloves and clove oil, however, can induce a painful burning feeling in the gums and teeth.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint has several beneficial characteristics, such as its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. In addition, it has menthol, which can make your gums feel cool and numb. Try rinsing the afflicted tooth with peppermint tea or holding a wet peppermint tea bag against the gums for a few minutes.
While using garlic to alleviate a toothache may make you wince, especially in the wee hours of the morning, it is one of the most effective natural cures.
The active element in garlic, called allicin, eliminates the germs in the mouth that contribute to bad breath and tooth decay. Chewing on a single clove of garlic can help.
Elevate your head
If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try lifting your head with a few more pillows because lying flat, blood pools in your head, causing possible headaches.
This elevation can help relieve that problem. Consequently, reducing the time spent with your teeth in contact with food helps reduce pain and swelling.
The Bottom Line
Even if numerous more natural therapies are available, it is essential to research each one well before using it. Some are intended for an adult audience and are inappropriate for kids.
Pain in the teeth can be caused by several different things and is sometimes a warning sign of more serious oral health issues. First, there must be some food wedged between your teeth, which may be cleaned with floss.
Teeth grinding in your sleep could be the cause of your pain. However, loss of a filling, cracking of the tooth, cavities, gum disease, abscess, or injury to the jaw or tooth are all potentially more serious causes.
When a toothache lasts longer than 48 hours, it’s essential to figure out what’s causing it so you can get relief. Make an appointment with a dentist you trust and inquire about your available treatment options.