When a child has vision problems, they are likely to struggle at home and school. However, they often cannot tell people (as they are not aware that there is anything wrong) or choose not to. Children’s eyes develop quickly in the first eight years of their life. For some children, they must wear eyeglasses to support their visual development.

6 Signs That Your Child Needs Glasses

Wearing eyeglasses will improve their vision and reposition misaligned eyes and provide the necessary protection. Here are six signs that could mean that your child might be struggling with their vision and may need glasses. 

1. An optometrist finds a problem. 

The most obvious reason to get your child some glasses is that an optometrist has conducted routine eye testing and discovered that they are struggling. Your child’s vision must be tested by a professional every year to keep track of their development.

2. They are squinting or adjusting their head.

When people cannot focus on what is in front of them, they may squint their eyes to correct the problem. Doing this will make the image temporarily clearer. Another tactic used is to tilt their head or cover one of their eyes in an attempt to adjust angles. This can happen when children have misaligned eyes or a “lazy eye.”

3. They have to be close to screens and books.

Whether watching television, using a computer or a tablet, or reading a book, if they have to move closer to see it correctly, it may signal myopia. Myopia is the term given to nearsightedness; that is when eyesight worsens as the object’s distance increases. If your child needs to be unusually close see, it may be a sign that they need glasses. 

4. They rub their eyes a lot.

Children will occasionally rub their eyes when they are tired or irritated. However, excessive rubbing of the eyes might suggest that children’s eyes are often fatigued due to straining. In some cases, itchy eyes might be connected to an allergic reaction, an infection, a foreign body or particle in the eye, or a condition such as conjunctivitis.

5. They get headaches or eye pain regularly. 

After a day of straining their eyes, a child who needs glasses might complain that they are getting headaches. Additionally, they may speak of pain behind their eyes. If your child is regularly struggling with headaches, it is essential to get them seen right away. 

6. They struggle to focus on schoolwork.

If a child has difficulty focusing on what is in front of them, their schoolwork is likely to suffer. In a classroom, children need to be able to see the work in front of them, the teacher, and the board at the front of the classroom. Their eyes need to adjust as they switch their vision back and forth.

If your child’s academic progress is slipping and you are not sure why to consider getting their sight tested as soon as possible. 

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