Being A Better You

5 Ways to Make the Most of Me-Time

Being a mom can make personal time really hard to find on some days.  It is extremely important to carve out some me-time for yourself.

5 Ways to Make the Most of Me-Time

Being a mom can make personal time really hard to find on some days, so when you do find some time to yourself, you definitely want to make the most of it.

This can be a little easier said than done since responsibilities can clutter your mind and make it hard to prioritize really making a nice experience for yourself.

To make sure you make the most of your next me-time experience, here are five great tips to look into!

Plan Ahead

No matter what me-time entails for you, the most important thing right away is to make sure that you plan it ahead of time.

Want an at-home spa day? Make sure to pick up all needed supplies during your next errands run. Want a poolside picnic for one? Pre-make your meal and snacks while getting other meals together for your family.

Plus, it’s important to try to plan out all that you will want to do during your me-time so that you don’t waste any of it wondering how to relax aside from a quick nap.

Scheduling time for yourself

Most importantly, make sure you block out that me-time slot as far in advance and as specifically as possible so that you really can organize yourself.

The easiest way to let me-time fall apart, get pushed aside or simply not provide as much relaxation as you were looking for is to not properly plan.

After all, any mom knows that having kids in their life means everything will require a little extra planning anyway.

Being a mom can make personal time really hard to find on some days.  It is extremely important to carve out some me-time for yourself.

Try Yoga, Pilates or Both

Whether you spend your me-time on activities like this or you’re able to block out extra slots for classes, yoga and pilates are excellent ways to keep your mind and body open and ready to process and relax.

The best part about activities that focus on bettering your physical condition is that it really helps to clear up your mind as well.

Whether it’s a little more reflective like yoga or active like pilates, giving your body an opportunity to really move and bend will absolutely open you up to enjoying life a little bit more openly, whether it be during me-time or during everyday responsibilities.

Even if you don’t have the time or physical interest in things like yoga or pilates, you could always look into light stretching and medication to make your own program and routine that fits into your life effectively.

Make a Playlist

Every personal day or adventure will feel even more tailored to you and your interests when you make a playlist filled with your own favorite songs.

The most fun part about this step is that it really is all your own. Everyone will probably have a completely different playlist, and that’s exciting!

Keep it positive

The only real advice here is to go for the more positive and joy-inducing favorites of yours. You want the songs that will put you in the best mood, and while there are plenty of amazing songs for other purposes, the light and pleasant songs are best for me-time.

If you have no idea where to start, you can always look into researching some other playlists other people have already made for inspiration.

Even if you don’t fully adopt their playlists, it is always nice to have a push in the right direction to start.

Visit a Med Spa

While this may seem “out there” for many moms, particularly if you don’t have too many funds, med spas can offer a lot of helpful services, many of which won’t break the bank.

The great thing about visiting a med spa is that this could act as your me-time. You could get a facial or skin care treatment that will really change the game in your confidence and enjoy a nice lunch by yourself.

Or, if you’re looking for a bigger change, you could look into consultations that focus on really improving your life overall.

Looking Deeper

Dr. Sarah Bennett, a naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Arizona, runs a med spa that is really focused on the betterment of patients’ lives:

“While I offer a wide range of services, I’m most proud of the ones that really help with lifestyle changes. Helping people get to the root of hormonal or dietary problems can be life-changing in terms of common insecurities like weight loss, low energy, mood problems, low libido and more. Seeing those changes in my patients is really my favorite part of my job because it makes everything else much more manageable for them as well.”

While services like this could also be a great me-time experience, they could also simply boost your mood and energy so that you can enjoy future experiences with more confidence and more genuine excitement.

Really Focus on You

The thing about me-time is that it really, really needs to be centered around you, your wants and your needs.

Family time is wonderful. Romantic outings with a spouse, date or significant other are magical. But me-time really should be centered around your individual experience and needs alone.

The best way to make sure you are really recharging and reflecting is to allow your me-time slot to really be a little selfish and centered on you.

As a mom, this can be hard to do sometimes. But it’s important to realize that this will not only benefit you, but your family as well.

A clear, enjoyable experience with yourself will make it much easier to return to your everyday life and tasks with a much more focused and energized approach.

Making the Most of Me-Time

Try to make sure that not only you insist on having your me-time in the first place, but that it is free of outside input or interruptions. You deserve it. Really.

When you have a family, it can seem like a fairytale when you try to plan some time for yourself to enjoy something that you love.

Whether that something is reading a book you’ve been dying to crack open or planning an elaborate spa day for yourself, you really need to set aside the time to make sure you get that chance to recharge.

In Summary

The best ways to make sure you effectively get that time and make the most of it is to plan ahead, connect with yourself through activities like yoga or pilates, making a playlist, taking a visit to a med spa and, most importantly, really focusing on you.

For more great content and tips for getting through the stresses of motherhood, be sure to look through the rest of our blog. If you are looking for a real guide in your parenting journal, sign up with your FREE parenting portal today!

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