In this article, we will look at financial assistance resources for parents with autistic children and learn how to save money as a parent of an Autistic child
Utilizing The Garden To Support Your Child With ADHD
As the parent of a child with ADHD, adapting the home to meet their unique needs is vital. While a winning bedroom, lounge, and space to relax are all vital, there is another area that could become your secret weapon—the garden. When the garden is used to its full potential,…
Creating a Better Home Environment for Children with Autism
Your child's home is their safe place. Learn how more about creating a better home environment for children with autism to thrive within!
Figuring out Divorce when You have Children with Special Needs
Divorce when You have Children with Special Needs is hard. Explaining to them is one thing, but then you have to figure out living situations
What You Need to Include in Your Will
To prepare a will, you need to have all of the necessary information for it to be valid. Find out what you need to include in your will
How Medical Alert Systems Could Improve Autism Parenting
A medical alert system such as a tag, bracelet, or necklace could be of great assistance for children with autism & their parents #autism #autismparenting #specialneedsparenting
How to Create a Safe Home For Your Child With Impairments
Whether physical or sensory, having a safe place to live is key. Learn how you can create a safe home for your child with impairments
5 Powerful Tips for Teaching Students with Autism
Looking for the best was to teach children with children? Then these 5 most powerful tips for teaching students with autism are what you need! #autism #specialeducation #teaching #autismparenting #sped
Managing Summer Sensory Overload
Summer adds sweat, dirt, and bugs to the sensory overload some kids already experience outside. Manage sensory overload with these quick tip
ADHD - Autism - Child Development - Parenting - Sensory Processing Disorder - Special Needs - Special Needs Parenting - Speech and Language Development
The Different Types of Reading Disabilities and How to Help Your Child
Do you suspect that your child has a reading problem? Here are the different types of reading disabilities & how to help your child. #dyslexia #hyperlexia #disabilities #specialneeds #autismparenting #readingskills