That's probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but the truth is no one knows your kid better than you do when it comes to knowing their limits and what's right for them. A video game addiction can have harmful effects on your kid, but it's not too late…
1 In 44 Kids Have Autism According to CDC
The CDC announced that 1 in 44 children are diagnosed with autism in the United States. This new data suggests that more children are being diagnosed. However, experts believe these numbers reflect more awareness of autism and better access to services.
A Quick Guide To Telehealth And Telemedicine For Your Family
A few decades ago, many university medical centers and hospital systems tried to implement the concept of telemedicine. Let's take a look at this Quick Guide To Telehealth And Telemedicine For Your Family #healthcare #parenting #family #health
29 Dos and Don’ts of Mental Health Interventions for Your Child
Because most parents love their children, it’s natural to worry over what we should do in case something bad happens to them. Here are some simple dos and don’ts of how to handle mental health interventions involving your child.
Tips for taking care of your mental health while traveling
Traveling is a fantastic experience, but it’s not without its challenges. It’s so important to think about your mental health before you go away. This post is filled with tips to help you relax and make the most of your holiday, so make sure you have a read before heading…
How Connecting with Nature Boosts Mental Health: The Powerful Benefits
Regardless of how it happens, the positive mental health effects of exposure to natural sites are real. Here are just some of the benefits you can get from reconnecting with our natural heritage
Ways Exercise Can Help When Suffering from Depression
Exercise Can Help When Suffering from Depression. Learn all the ways that exercise can help depression and improve your overall mental health
Mental Health - Parenting - Parenting Teens - Special Needs - Special Needs Parenting - Women's Health
How to Create Time for Yourself as a Parent
We constantly hear how we need to "create time for yourself as a parent" but no one tells us how! That's why we created this guide to help you on your self-care journey.
Nine Tips for Handling Overthinking in ADHD
Tips for Handling Overthinking in ADHD If you have been diagnosed with ADHD {attention deficit hyperactivity disorder}, you most likely know about the overthinking associated with the condition. Patients often find themselves going over and over seemingly harmless utterances or situations in their minds. It is much like a fight…
Top Tips To Cope With Stressful Life Events
Sometimes, life is tough. Today, we will explore some common causes of stress and offer tips to help you cope with stressful life events!