Traveling with a child can be a rewarding and unforgettable experience for both parent and child. Discovering new horizons can help your children gain insights into how the world works and can develop their creativity and adventurous spirit. However, it can sometimes be met with a bit of apprehension from parents, as figuring out the logistics can be daunting.
What’s the best age to start traveling with a child?
The age at which a child is ready to travel can vary greatly depending on the child’s maturity level and the choice of destination. Distance traveled, activities picked, climate, etc. That being said, by using a few tips and tricks, you can increase the chance of your trip being a relaxing, stress-free time. We’ll delve into a few of these in this article, hopefully helping you to relax.

You can start considering travel from the 6-month mark.
Generally, a good age to start traveling with a child is around six months to 2 years old. At this age, babies can usually sit up and are no longer entirely dependent on their parents for every need. They are also at an age where they can experience new things and develop their curiosity. The older they are, the less risk of them throwing a dreaded tantrum on a long flight or in the car.
It’s important to remember that every child is unique and has their own needs, and some may be ready to go at a very young age, while others may need a little adjustment time. Remember the type of travel you plan on doing, as an adventurous camping trip may be better suited for a younger child than a long flight or cruise.
If traveling through Australia, finding suitable accommodation easily accessible with buggies, prams, and bags is essential. Some rentals in Oz can be up steep hills, down dirt tracks, on a busy road, etc. Using a website like Rentola to scout out what’s available and what areas are best is a great way to start your research. This will save you time and stress down the line.
Make sure you’re prepared to avoid tricky situations.
When planning a trip with a young child, it is essential to be prepared. This means packing enough diapers, formula, and baby food to last the entire trip and enough clothes and other essentials. Additionally, having a buggy you can travel with is vital, so check this when planning. Consider using a sturdy buggy or a baby sling carrier if traveling to a city or country famous for steep cobbled streets. This becomes less of an issue when kids grow older and become more independent.

Keep in mind time zones and sleep schedules.
Another important consideration when traveling with a young child is their sleep schedule. We all know how babies and young children need a regular sleep schedule, and it is essential to maintain this schedule as much as possible while on the road. This may mean adjusting your schedule to accommodate nap times and bedtimes or bringing a portable crib or pack-and-play for your child to sleep in. If flying long haul, remember jet lag isn’t only for parents but for babies too.
Consider child-friendly activities when deciding where to travel.
When choosing a destination for your child’s first trip, it is essential to consider the age-appropriateness of the activities and attractions. For example, a theme park may be too overwhelming for a baby, while a countryside vacation may be more suitable. Check the availability of child-friendly accommodations, with many hotels offering child care and daytime activities to keep the whole family occupied.
Keep in mind the weather and climate of your chosen destination. You ideally don’t want to be stuck indoors with rainy weather, but high temperatures can also present difficulties for young ones. Stay safe from the sun, even more so with younger children, as it can be hazardous, even more so in a hot country like Australia.
As your child grows, you will find that traveling with them becomes more accessible and more enjoyable. They will be able to participate in more activities and take on more responsibilities, such as carrying their own bag or navigating public transportation.
What’s the best age to start traveling with a child?
To sum up, the best age to start traveling with a child is around six months old to 2 years old. However, every child is different, and you must consider your maturity level and the type of travel you plan on doing.
When planning a trip with a young child, it is essential to be prepared and consider the destination’s age-appropriateness and the availability of child-friendly accommodations. As your child grows, traveling with them will become more accessible and more enjoyable, but it will always require more planning and preparation than traveling alone