4 Ways to Monitor Your Local Weather from Home

Most people rely on forecasts to tell them what weather conditions to expect. However, you can use your knowledge of weather patterns, observation skills, or mobile phone apps to predict the weather. Weather prediction is a fun hobby and a useful skill for those who love outdoor activities. If you know what to look for, you can make your weather predictions instead of waiting for the weather forecast. Here are four ways to monitor the weather in the comfort of your home.

Observing the wind

You can learn how to observe the wind patterns and make your weather prediction. Since weather moves from the west, westerly winds indicate good weather. These winds suggest that severe weather is already to the east. Easterly winds suggest that severe weather is about to come.

You can determine the weather direction by throwing grass into the wind and watching which direction it flows. Alternatively, you can wet your finger and hold it out in space. The side of your finger that gets cool is the direction the wind is blowing from and vice versa.


An online weather website and mobile applications will inform you about what weather conditions to expect. There are several weather sites, but you must look for the best.

When it comes to technology that can help with weather prediction, a weather station is one of the most valuable pieces of kit an enthusiast can have (and these reviews here could be a good place to start if you are interested in buying one, but have no idea what you are looking for). In addition, online weather websites and mobile applications will inform you about what weather conditions to expect. There are several weather sites, but you must look for the best. 

Accuweather is the best site since it displays national and local weather. The site gives you the option to specify an area, and it will provide you with details for the day. Other reliable sites include weather underground, dark sky, and Pollen.com.

You can also use a remote temperature monitor, often accompanied by a mobile app. The monitor will visualize the real-time data and send you alerts of any changes in the weather condition. The temp stick is the best monitor. The WiFi smart monitor will instantly send signals to your email or phone when an essential change in temperature occurs.

Weather prediction is a fun hobby, and it is a useful skill for those who love outdoor activities. If you know what to look for, you can make your weather predictions instead of waiting for the weather forecast. Here are four ways to monitor the weather in the comfort of your home.

Observing the clouds

You can learn a lot about the weather by looking at clouds’ different types and shapes. White and high clouds indicate good weather, while dark and low clouds suggest a coming storm or rain. Flat clouds mean the weather is good, while fluffy clouds suggest the weather is unstable. Small puffy clouds are calm but often build up and cause rain later in the day.

Clouds will have different colors, and each color has its meaning. Black and brown clouds indicate a coming storm without strong clouds. Grey clouds indicate a light storm, which may remain for a while. White clouds mean good weather, even though it may rain later in the day.


Folklore weather may seem old-fashioned, but farmers and sailors still use it today. The following proverbs are used to monitor weather patterns.

• “Red sky at night, Sailor’s delight.” The red sky at night means that good weather will follow. If the sky is red at night, the temperature is often high and stable air is approaching from the west.
• “Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.” If the sky is red at sunrise, a storm is on the way.

Ways to monitor your local weather from home

You do not have to wait for meteorologists to give their predictions about the weather. Try any of these four ways to monitor your local weather from home, and let us know in the comments below how accurate you were!

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