Raising children with special needs can sometimes be exhausting and frustrating, but it can also be a joyful and rewarding experience. They require extra care and thorough attention, which can bump the roads for the parents. However, parents can learn a little wisdom to navigate those bumpier roads parts.

When parenting a special needs child, you need to pay more attention to things in daily life, even within your own home. You need to ensure that your home is a 100% safe (and safer) environment for your child. Parents need to consider more circumstances to make the home secure and functional. There can be minor modifications, like changing to hypoallergenic linen sheets and accessible doorknobs.

Top Home Décor Tips to Care for Special Needs Children

For instance, depending on the children’s needs, it can be a major one. We need to make those adjustments to make the home a haven where your child can get a well-deserved break from the outside world. 

Here are some home décor tips you can apply to care for special needs children. By following these tips, you can make your room a special place for your children to make them feel safe and independent at the same time. It might help you as well to ease your daily task in parenting special needs children.

Understanding the Special Needs

Before adjusting your home décor, you must understand your child’s needs.

Generally, there are different types of special needs you can find in children. For example, children with learning disabilities have cognitive problems, particularly in learning basic skills such as reading, writing, and problem-solving. There are also children struggling with delayed development, affecting their daily functioning. Some kids struggle with behavioral problems, while others have mobility or severe medical conditions.

Given these circumstances, it’s crucial to be aware of these special needs. Also, these conditions vary, so a proper diagnosis can be necessary to provide them with the proper attention and care. Getting as crystal clear as possible on the diagnosis will help you learn what it means and how it will impact your child’s life. Then, you need to identify your child’s needs and central issues. Identifying and anticipating any risk that might come with them help you determine how you should adjust your house to cater to their needs.

Being as accurate as possible is crucial in redesigning your home. You might need to seek help and consult your doctor, specialists, or pediatrician. You can also learn wisdom from the community and fellow parents of special needs children. Get as many inputs as possible before formulating your redesign plan.

Design with the Special Needs in Mind

Now that you have identified the needs and anticipated possibilities, you must stick to your sole purpose: making a safe and functional house for your child. Therefore, you need to design with your child’s needs in mind. These tips might not be an all-for-one guide, but they will help you understand what you might need to prepare for different needs.

Children with Physical Disabilities

Accessibility is always the foremost concern when designing or redesigning your house for a special needs child with a physical disability. Ease of mobility is the key. Your child must navigate easily around the house and reach their shelves, drawers, switches, door handles, and belongings without hassle. 

Use more horizontal shelves, and drawers placed closer to the ground. You might want to change your doorknobs into something more reachable and easier to operate without sacrificing function. As for the switches, you can place them lower and ensure they are easy to reach after your child grows. Alternatively, you can change to motion sensor switches or state-of-the-art voice controls.

If your child is in a wheelchair, you must ensure enough space in the room for mobility, including making a turn. Avoid doors that block access to rooms and stairs. You need to also pay attention to desks and tables. Ensure they are high enough and deep enough for wheelchairs. You might want to invest in adjustable ones to accommodate your child when they grow.

Aside from the adjustable ones, a lightweight wheelchair may also be excellent for your child with a physical disability. It’s easy to propel, especially even in tight spaces. It also promotes your child’s independence since it has features that allow them to do things for themselves. If you want to get one for your child, you can visit some stores or websites online to look for the lightest wheelchairs for sale.

Children with Autism

Autistic children might fall along different spectrums and get triggered by various stimuli. Every child has different sensory needs and tolerance. Therefore, you may need to start with healthy sensory environments. 

With a healthy sensory environment, you have provided opportunities for movement, simulation, and lack thereof. It might be beneficial to have several areas with different colors and lights to set up different moods and activities. The special interest topics can entirely consume autistic children. Therefore, it might be a good idea to dedicate a particular area to focus on those interests. You might also want to devote a separate room for dining and resting, preferably ones that do not get interrupted by outside stimuli. 

Consider using heavy furniture bolted to the walls and low shelves to minimize the risk of climbing and frustration. You can also utilize blinds to control the light in the room. It is good to know that natural lighting is better for mood than artificial lighting. Investing in natural fabrics, like linens, might also be good, which you can use in particular areas. You can also use linen for blackout curtains to help control the light and regulate the room’s temperature. Linen can also be applied to the bedding setup to give a softer and alleviating touch that may reduce anxieties.

Children with Asthma and Allergies

In dealing with asthma and other common indoor allergies, you must keep your home allergen-free at any cost. To make your home hypoallergenic, you must ensure that the house is clean and dry. 

Make your house clutter-free and avoid overstuffed furniture, as it might collect dust and other allergens, like pollen, dander, and mold spores. Also, strip carpets off your house because they can contribute to it. Another efficient step to prevent allergy triggers is substituting your furniture fabrics with hypoallergenic linens. Your kids will interact with bedsheets, mattress covers, and pillowcases; therefore, choosing allergy-free materials for those items is logical. You can also use linens for upholsteries, especially in areas prone to dust and mites, since linens are easier to launder without any risk of wear and tear.

Last but not least, you can bring air purifiers into the rooms where your children spend the most time, such as their bedroom and playroom. Choose an allergy-free purifying device that does not emit ozone into your room.

Listen to Your Child’s Feedback

Your home décor adjustment might help your special needs child to find a haven in their own home. However, you should adapt to the new arrangement and make the transition as smooth as possible. When your child is old enough, you might want to involve them in making the house a friendly space. Listen to their feedback and observe their growth. Some adjustments you make earlier might be irrelevant as time goes by, but it is always recommendable to let them communicate what they need.

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