Unlike your home, the outside world is large and often unpredictable. For parents and caregivers, ensuring a child’s safety when you’re out in public is paramount. This is especially true for children with special needs such as autism.
Special Needs Child Safety Tips When You’re Out in Public
Whether you’re at the mall, the grocery store, or a park, keeping them safe in a public area can be a challenge, but you can take steps to have peace of mind. Autistic children may have difficulty understanding and navigating social situations and are at greater risk of wandering or getting lost. Here are some child safety tips to keep in mind when you’re out in public with an autistic child.
Create a Social Story
Autistic children may benefit from a social story, a visual guide that explains what to expect in a particular situation. This can help prepare your child for a trip to the mall, for example, and reduce anxiety.
Wear Identification
Ensure your child wears identification, such as a bracelet or necklace with their name and contact information. This can be especially important if your child tends to wander.
Prevent Injury
Preventing child injury in public places is crucial for parents and caregivers. Public places such as parks, playgrounds, malls, and other crowded areas can present a variety of hazards for children. The most crucial step in preventing child injury is supervising your child and being aware of your surroundings.
According to Sommers Schwartz, a Detroit personal injury lawyer, “When you’re out in public with children, remember to see hazards from their perspective. What might seem perfectly safe for you seem that way because of your height. Some of the most innocuous-looking things can hurt a curious child, so it’s important to be aware of that.”
Additionally, using appropriate safety gear, teaching your child about safety, keeping emergency contact information on hand, using child safety gates, knowing basic first aid, and being aware of specific hazards of the place can also help prevent child injury. Always watch your child closely and intervene if they’re at risk of injury. Parents and caregivers should also be prepared for emergencies and have a plan in case of injuries.
Teach Your Child to Ask for Help
Teach your child to ask for help if they feel lost or scared and to look for a police officer, security guard, or other trusted adult if they need assistance. This is a great way to add an extra layer of peace of mind, knowing that there are public safety resources to support you and your child when you’re not at home.
Have a Plan in Case of Wandering
If your child tends to wander, make sure you have a plan in place in case they get lost. This could include a prearranged meeting place or a code word that you can use to quickly and safely reunite.
Use a Child Locator Device
Some child locator devices use GPS technology to track a child’s location, while others use a radio frequency signal. Consider using one of these devices to keep track of your child’s whereabouts.
Be Aware of Sensory Issues
Autistic children may be sensitive to certain stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights. Be aware of these issues and avoid environments that may be overstimulating for your child.
Communicate With Others
Let management know if you plan to take your child to a public place. This will help them prepare and understand your child’s needs.
Have a communication device.
Technology can help an autistic child at home and also out in public. Some autistic children may have difficulty communicating verbally, so consider having a communication device such as a picture communication board or a tablet with a communication app designed for autistic children.
Special Needs Child Safety Tips
Being out in public with special needs presents many challenges for parents, but these can be mitigated in many ways. These child safety tips can help keep your autistic child safe in public areas. Remember that the most important thing you can do is be prepared, plan, and be aware of your child’s needs and tendencies. With some preparation and vigilance, you can help ensure your child’s safety and peace of mind when you’re out in public. You can make your time outside the house enjoyable for you and your child.
My son is Autistic Non verbal and doesn’t understand safety and danger, therfore I purchased a hiking backpack (for adultssmaller than regular backpack), attached a leash and wrap it around my back so no one can tell that he has this, at least not from far away. He is an avid eloper so this was a must. He is almost 11 and pretty tall. It has taken repeated exposure to trails for him to understand that this is where he gets his favorite starbucks treat Doing his “favorite hobby” now. We have been doing this since he was born, although before we used a stroller of course. Ive been through it all. Him refusing, crying, falling, crawling; any and all things embarrassing, Ive been through it all. Thanks for sharing hepful information.