Being the parent of a teenage boy comes with its worries. Your son may want more independence or have started to keep to himself more. While this can be completely normal adolescent behavior, that knowledge usually doesn’t do much to quell your worry over his safety, happiness, and wellbeing.
Safety Concerns for Teenage Boys
You may not be able to tell your son what to do anymore like you could when he was a child. However, you can instill some necessary safety knowledge in him that, hopefully, he will use to keep himself and his friends safe when they are out on their own. This knowledge is also essential for him to gain that independence he longs for and successfully stand on his own two feet as an adult.

Concerns about Alcohol
As your son enters his teenage years, he is more likely to be exposed to alcohol. While small quantities indulged sensibly at the legal age are not a cause for concern, excessive drinking in the earlier years can be. Alcohol is not only illegal at this age, but it can also cause harm to the body, as well as increase bravado and, on occasion, violent behavior.
Those under the influence of alcohol are more likely to engage in physical altercations with others – speak to a criminal defense lawyer located in Los Angeles for more info if your child is involved in a tough fight, resulting in injury or criminal charges.
Concerns about Sex
Your son may also notice that he has sexual urges relating to men or women that he finds attractive. This can be made worse by hearing stories from peers about their sexual encounters and feeling the pressure, whether real or imagined, to prove himself and keep up with his peers to fit in.
Sexual intercourse between two consenting adults is not a problem as long as proper protection is used. Make sure your son understands the minimum age laws for your state and the best ways to stay safe during sex.
Discussions about intercourse itself and contraceptives, pregnancy, and STDs, may not be pleasant. Still, they are essential for him to make informed decisions about his sex life.
Concerns about Drugs
Illegal drugs may also be something that tempts your teenage son. Drug charges can have serious consequences. If your son is facing drug charges, get in touch with a drug lawyer to help you with the case. He might be interested in trying things he has seen in movies or on TV or feels like he has to partake in them because others are, mainly if those he associates with are pretty pushy.
Peer pressure in relation to drugs is quite common, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. Illicit drugs can cause several health problems and addiction, and even death. Discussing the risks and laws with him now could help prevent problems later.
Safety Concerns for Teenage Boys
Keeping communication open with your son can help to keep him safe. Even if he has engaged in risky behavior, so long as he hasn’t caused injury to another, it is essential to listen with as little judgment as possible so that he feels he can continue talking to you in the future.