How the Colors in a Child’s Room Can Affect Their Mood
When people talk about raising kids, their discussions generally center on topics like attachment versus free-range parenting, Waldorf versus Montessori schools, or how much screen time a mom or dad can safely give their little one before they turn into a zombie who can’t be consoled without a phone or tablet in hand. Colors in a child’s room is not a common topic.
However, there are surprising factors to consider in raising kids: The color you paint their bedroom. While it may seem like a relatively insignificant detail, choosing the right shade of paint could have a much bigger impact on your child’s present and future than you’d ever imagined. Here’s why:

How the Colors in a Child’s Room Can Affect Their Mood
By Candice Schaffer of 888 at Grand Hope Park, 520 West 28th Street,
25 Park Row, Algin Management, and Missoni Baia
Blue paint helps them reduce stress:
With homework getting more complicated and more abundant, after school activities taking up virtually all of their free time, and a reduction in outdoor playtime during the day, it’s no wonder kids’ stress levels are at an all-time high.
The good news? According to research published in PLoS One, the color blue can rapidly reduce stress, helping them cope with their workload a little better.

Blue can make them more creative:
If you want to make your kids creative geniuses, picking up a paintbrush and adding some blue paint to their walls might just be the answer. According to research published in the journal Science, people exposed to the color blue had more creative approaches to problem-solving than those exposed to other colors. When it comes to colors in a child’s room, blue is an excellent way to go!
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Red can make them perform better on detail-oriented tasks:
However, while blue has plenty of benefits, you shouldn’t discount red as a choice for your kids’ color scheme. In fact, according to the same Science study, red improved participants’ performance on detail-oriented tasks. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you necessarily need to paint an entire room in this fiery hue: a single accent wall will work nicely, too.

Dark colors help reduce depression risk:
If you want to make your kids happier, healthier, and less prone to depression, break out some dark paint colors. Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reveals that dark rooms can promote better sleep and reduce depression risk, so there’s no time like the present to start breaking out those midnight blues and dark plums for the colors in a child’s room.
Yellow can prompt anger:
Of course, not every color is beneficial for your children. While it’s a gender-neutral favorite of parents around the globe and a sunny color that brightens up virtually any space, studies suggest that looking at the color yellow can actually promote anger, so if you’re already struggling with tantrums or other frustration-based behaviors, it’s probably best to skip this buttery hue.

How the Colors in a Child’s Room Can Affect Their Mood
While the colors in a child’s room may seem like a relatively minor decision to make, it may have a larger impact than you ever expected. Before you pick up a paint brush and start redecorating, make sure you have the right color in mind for your little ones—it might just make both of your lives a whole lot easier.