Planning is one of the best ways to save money during the holiday season. You can avoid overspending on impulse purchases by thinking about what you want to buy for your loved ones. Whether you are planning going away gifts for coworkers, coworker leaving gift ideas or gifts for your grandkids, here are some fantastic tips to help you plan out your holiday gifts in an affordable way:
Planning Out Your Gifts Can Save You Time & Money

1. List the people you need to buy gifts for.
This will help you keep track of your spending and make sure that you don’t forget anyone. The holiday season is a time to remember and cherish the people who aren’t in your immediate life. Having a good list will help you include all the people you want to feel unique to and ensure that no one feels left out.
2. Set a budget for each person.
This will help you stay within your overall budget for holiday shopping. While money is never the main factor in gift giving, sometimes the right gift for a person will cost you a little more than others. Having a budget can help you keep perspective on what gifts you can afford to go a little fancier.
3. Start shopping early.
Starting your shopping early gives you more time to find deals and coupons. You can also spread your spending over a more extended period, which can help you stay within your budget. Holiday gifts can sometimes be in high demand and become very scarce by the time the festivities roll around. Get all the gifts you want by getting on it earlier.
4. Shop online.
Many retailers offer great deals on holiday gifts online. You can often find free shipping offers and discounts when you shop online. Online catalogs will undoubtedly have all of the gifts you could ever need. Using the internet can give you a significant advantage by eliminating the time required to go out and shop. You can get all the perfect gifts delivered to your doorstep in a few days.

5. Consider homemade gifts.
If you’re crafty, consider making some of your gifts this year. Homemade gifts can be just as unique (and often more personal) than store-bought gifts.
Give an example of homemade gifts:
- Photo album or scrapbook detailing all of your favorite memories with the person
- A basket filled with the recipient’s favorite things (food, candy, books, etc.)
- Handcrafted pieces of jewelry or art
- Coupon book for services you can provide (massages, yard work, cooking dinner, etc.)
6. Regift items you no longer use.
If you have any items around the house that you no longer use, consider regifting them to someone on your list. This is a great way to save money and give a thoughtful gift. Just ensure the item is in good condition, and you won’t offend the person by giving them something you no longer want. Be aware that junk is junk; sometimes, some things should be thrown away, as regifting them can send a less hopeful message.
7. Give experiences instead of gifts.
Sometimes the best gifts are ones that you can’t hold in your hand. Consider giving your loved ones tickets to a show, a day at a spa, or a weekend getaway. These gifts are often more memorable than material things and can be enjoyed by everyone.
Planning Out Your Gifts Can Save You Time & Money
By following these tips, you can easily affordable plan your holiday gifts. The holidays should be a time for enjoying the company of loved ones, not worrying about money. With some planning, you can ensure that your holiday season is stress-free and fun for everyone involved.