As parents, we are going to make mistakes from time to time. After all, this is part of the process! There is no rule book on how to be the perfect mom or dad. One area where you don’t want to make a mistake is when it comes to dressing your baby for cold weather. How do parents not make a mistake while trying to keep baby warm?
But it’s not always easy; after all, your baby can’t precisely talk and tell you that they are freezing or that you have put too many layers on them and feel restricted. So, with that in mind, let’s look at some common mistakes parents make when trying to keep their baby warm so that you can avoid them.
Mistakes Parents Make When Trying To Keep Baby Warm

Not Choosing The Right Clothes
If you’re traveling in winter, dress your little one in thin layers, and use a blanket after he’s buckled in. Ensure no covers or bulky clothing go between the harness straps and your baby. Moreover, your baby can wear a long-sleeved one-piece bodysuit underneath a one-piece footed fleece clothing.
If you’re going outdoors with your baby, dress him in layers. Begin with a onesie. Don’t forget to top with a long-sleeved shirt, sweater, and jacket. Furthermore, your baby must wear warm socks underneath footie pajamas.
How should you dress your baby before bedtime? It’s important to dress your baby in enough clothes to keep him warm at night without blankets. Using cotton or muslin wraps is advisable if you must wrap your baby. Safe baby sleeping bags can also help to keep your little warm overnight.
But even when in a sleeping bag, your baby should still be in a short-sleeved onesie with a long-sleeved one on top of it. You can find a cute range of girls clothes, and for boys, online or at brick-and-mortar baby clothing stores. Get baby clothes from reputable sellers and stores that sell products made of high-quality fabrics to avoid irritating your baby’s skin.
Overlooking the signs that your baby is too hot or too cold
This is where a lot of parents go wrong. They assume that because they have wrapped up their child in several layers, they will be warm enough. But what if they are too warm? You need to know the warning signs.
The first clue is crying. Babies will often cry if they feel too hot or too cold. They don’t tend to sweat, but they will feel clammy. You can discover more signs your baby is too hot here:
If your baby is too cold, you should be able to see it in their cheeks and lips. Their lips can get a blue tinge if they are too cold. If your baby has a slight redness in their cheeks, this can signify that they are either too hot or too cold, so press the back of your hand against their skin gently to see how they are feeling.
Don’t rely on a heater to keep your baby warm.
Instead of wrapping your baby up in warm clothing, you may think that the best option is to stick a heater when you are at home. However, the problem with this is that it makes the air dry and can result in your baby’s skin drying out.
Of course, this does not mean you should have your heating turned off all winter, but you do need to be mindful of your child’s skin in the process.
Overlooking the dangers of coats in the car seat
If it is cold outside, it is advisable to take your child’s coat off when you place them in the car seat and then put it back on once they have been taken out of the car. The same applies to snowsuits. This is because coats, blankets, and other thick clothes can interfere with the five-point harness’s snug fit. This can cause a baby to slip out of the car seat because of their clothing, which is hazardous.
It is vital, therefore, to be aware of the dangers of coats in the car seat. Although this can seem like a very arduous process, it is essential to take your child’s coat off while they are in the car. If the car is not warm enough, you can always place a blanket over your baby but make sure it is outside the straps.
Leaving off the hat
There is no denying that a baby’s winter or cold weather outfit is not complete without a hat, especially if you are going outside. Forgetting the hat is one of the most significant errors you can make, as a baby’s head is one of the most vulnerable parts of their body. This is the case for anyone at any age.
Nevertheless, babies have issues with temperature regulation, so your child must have a hat on when you go outside. You can find a great selection of babies’ hats at Make sure you keep an eye on your baby to ensure they don’t pull the hat off and throw it on the floor – babies love to do that!
There Ya Go!
Some common mistakes parents make when trying to keep a baby warm. If you have made any of the mistakes mentioned above, don’t worry. Change them to ensure your baby is as comfortable as possible next time.