It seems like products are masquerading as healthy options everywhere you look in the grocery store.

  • “Low-fat cheese.”
  • “Sugar-free Jell-O.”
  • “Low-sodium crackers.”
  • “Hearth-healthy cereal.”

But are any of these products actually good for you? Just because
something is “less bad” doesn’t mean it’s good. For example, Lean Pockets are still
highly processed meats and cheeses in a white flour package. If you are a young mom,
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, for better clarity.

Just How Healthy Are Cheerios?

However, products like Cheerios make an altogether different health claim. Cheerios say they can help lower your cholesterol and suit your health. But are they? Keep reading for an in-depth look.

Are Cheerios as good for you as the box would have you believe? Find out the health facts about Cheerios in this guide now. #hearthealth #healthyeating #healthlyliving

Whole Grains

One of the best things Cheerios has going for it is that they’re made from whole-grain oats. This ingredient is beneficial for several reasons. Whole grain oats are full of nutrients, including:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Protein
  • Fiber

While there’s a massive trend about how carbohydrates are terrible, the theory isn’t entirely accurate. A more precise statement would suggest that certain types of carbohydrates can be harmful or lead to weight gain if eaten improperly.

First, understand that all carbs are broken down into sugars: even quinoa and brown rice. However, the speed at which your body absorbs these sugars determines how bad they can be for you.

Whole grains are complex carbohydrates loaded with fiber, the ingredient that can lower a person’s cholesterol. Fiber slows down the metabolic process. Your body absorbs sugars slower, avoiding insulin spikes but still delivering the energy.

However, your body can only process so much energy at once. When you ingest simple sugars (soda, candy, pastries, typical sugary cereals), your body gets a massive influx of energy. Often, this is too much energy.

This energy spikes your insulin levels, which triggers a response in which this energy that cannot be used is now stored. Energy is stored in our body in one way – as fat. That’s why a diet high in refined sugar is nearly guaranteed to lead to obesity and/or diabetes.
However, being healthy is about more than avoiding excess weight gain. For your benefit, you should learn more about living a healthier and happier life.

Added Sugars

Speaking of sugars, let’s look at the sugar content in Cheerios.

In the original, basic product, Cheerios contain 20 grams of carbohydrates. Of these 20 grams, only one gram comes from sugar. For reference, Fruity Pebbles has nearly 14 grams of sugar.

Therefore, when you eat a bowl of regular Cheerios, you get tons of fiber and other nutrients and only one gram of added sugar per serving.

However, we’re only talking about plain Cheerios here. What about the other flavors?

Let’s look at the most popular flavor, Honey Nut Cheerios.

Honey Nut Cheerios, while still made with whole-grain oats, are much more appealing to the public at large. They’re sweeter and more satisfying. But are they still healthy?

Honey Nut Cheerios has 12 grams of sugar in just one cup of cereal, barely less than Fruity Pebbles. Some main ingredients include honey (of course), modified cornstarch, sugar, and brown sugar. While you still benefit from the whole grains, you’re also introducing a considerable influx of sugar.

Lastly, consider that most people don’t measure an exact cup of cereal. Most people typically fill the bowl with at least 1.5 to 2 cups. Two cups of Honey Nut Cheerios would give you 24 grams of sugar, equivalent to eating two candy bars.

Other Ingredients

What other ingredients are in Cheerios?

The list is relatively short in plain Cheerios, especially as processed foods go. It contains whole-grain oats, modified corn starch, sugar, salt, Tripotassium Phosphate, wheat starch, and vitamin E.

However, in Honey Nut Cheerios, brown sugar syrup, honey, canola, and/or rice bran oil are also used. As the flavors of Cheerios get more involved, naturally, so do the ingredients.


If we examine all aspects of Cheerios, it’s only fair to look at its exceptional qualities. Most cereals these days are fortified with a large number of vitamins. The food companies know that our diets consist primarily of processed convenience foods and offer a simple solution.

Cheerios come with the following vitamins infused when eaten with skim milk:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6 and B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Thiamine
  • Niacin
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Folic Acid
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus

While many dietitians would tell you it’s better to get your vitamins and minerals from whole-food sources such as fruits and vegetables, most Americans need vitamin-fortified foods from cereals and other convenience foods.

Type of Milk

Finally, the battle of a healthy bowl of cereal can be won or lost in the final step – adding the milk. While we all know that whole milk tastes better, skim milk has far fewer grams of fat.

However, some studies suggest that non-dairy milk may be better for you overall. Milk is loaded with calcium and therefore boasts boosting bone strength, but some studies suggest milk leaches calcium from the body. It’s also often said that all humans are lactose intolerant to some degree.

But don’t worry, if you decide you don’t want dairy milk anymore, you’re not without options. There’s a wide range of non-dairy milk out there, including:

  • Almond milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Cashew milk
  • Macadamia milk
  • Oat milk
  • Soy milk

Each alternative milk has a unique flavor. Many of them also come in chocolate and/or vanilla varieties.

The Bottom Line on Cheerios

Well, are Cheerios good for us or not?

The bottom line is – yes and no. If you eat a moderate amount of regular Cheerios with nonfat or non-dairy milk, Cheerios can benefit your diet.

However, any other flavor of Cheerios will come with a ton of added sugars, and you may as well eat Cocoa Pebbles or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Add whole milk into the mix, and you’re dealing with a meal high in sugar and fat – the perfect cocktail for obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

If you want more informative advice and tips, check out the rest of our articles before you go!

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