If you are looking for personalized books for autistic children, keep reading to find out about “In The Book” and their work to help children with autism love reading!

Books have always been important to me as a child and even more so now as a parent. Our middle daughter found the same love of reading as I have and would turn her room into a library if given a chance. Our two younger children, though, struggle with finding books that will engage them. 

Reading books helps children learn and grow. For children with autism, it can open up the world safely from the comfort of their homes. Finding books like “In the Book” has been a great way to engage my children with books and learning new skills.   Personalized books for autistic children are a great way to help them learn social skills, establish routines, understand emotions, and much more!

In The Book: Personalized Books for Autistic Children

We do have to do slow introductions when introducing new books to Walker. Walker is autistic and currently five years old. He loves to be read to, but only of stories he has heard before. So, if we want to read a new story, we have to start by just leaving the Book where he can see it.

Next, I read it aloud to him while in the room. I ensure I do not tell him I am reading to him. From there, I show him the book cover and talk about what I see by introducing books with his name, like “Where are you, Robot Walker?” it helps him feel more connected right away. Finally, we introduce the book as a second book during our daily reading time. 

“Where are you, Robot Walker?”

There are many personalized books available these days. However, not all of them teach stories important to growth and education. I love it when I can find books that are social stories and personalized. “Where are you, Robot Walker?” was a perfect book to help him understand emotions and his meltdowns and teach others how others process their emotions. 

In The Book is a publisher of personalized children’s books based in New York. They are passionate about helping parents read to children of all ages and abilities. Personalized books kindle a child’s natural curiosity when they see their name on the cover and in the story. It allows them to relate to the book far better.

The Book collaborated with several experts on autism to put together a guide on how best to read to autistic children. Their top tips are:

  • Provide Children with Materials That Capture Their Attention
  • Allow Movement
  • Use Expressions to Help Them Understand Emotions
  • Give Constant Praise
  • Establish Reading as a Routine

We enjoyed “In the Book” and loved the fact that they are publishing personalized books for autistic children and helping parents of children with autism find engaging ways to read to their children. You can check out their complete guide on reading to autistic children here: https://www.inthebook.com/en-us/blog/reading-to-autistic-children/.

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