With the kids being home full time, the house becomes messier. Check out these home cleaning skills to teach your children to help reduce all that clutter!
Many parents believe that their children should help with daily household chores. This will teach them how to keep a home tidy and teach children to be responsible. By hiring a cleaning service, parents involving children in home cleaning tasks saves a lot of time which can be utilized for other things around the house.
How to Teach your Children Home Cleaning Skills
Children are always curious to learn something new, and teaching some home cleaning skills to them is rewarding. Teaching children some basic skills can help to keep home tidier and also help them in the long run. Below are some of the few home cleaning skills to teach your children.

Teaching Children Laundry Skills:
Laundry can be entertaining if done with your children. Every age starting from 2 years, can help parents get going with their laundry. Children aged two can help their parents by sorting items as per requirements.
Many young kids find sorting very interesting as they consider it a game. Kids who are a bit older can help their parents to put away the clothes in the laundry.
If your children are school-going, then they can prove to be of immense help during laundry. Their age suggests that they can easily do the folding after laundry. Also, parents can teach their school-going kids to start loading and unloading the washer keeping close supervision in the initial stages.
Children between the ages of 8 and 10 can control all the washing machine operations, like loading the machine dryer and cleaning it. Once they learn how to do it from their parents, they can quickly take it from there. Try teaching your kids at a young age so that they can manage all the laundry themselves by the time they reach the age of 10 or 11.
How to Wash Dishes:
Teaching children to wash dishes can be of great help to parents in the long run. Whether cleaning it in the dishwasher or doing it hand, it is good to start initially with scraping and rinsing.
Interestingly, children between the ages of 5 to 6 years can quickly learn to scrape and rinse if taught carefully. Be careful not to give children dishes made of glass in the initial stage as they might break them due to a small error.
Children between the ages of 7 to 8 years can help parents dry and put away dishes. At thTheymature enough and can quickly learn a good deal. Only at this age, when the kid reaches nine, is it advisable to allow them to wash different dishes and use the dishwasher.
Some safety measures are also to be taught, like using knives in the kitchen. Knives should permanently be removed instead of soaking in hot soapy water.
How To Make The Bed:
Learning how to make a bed can prove vital for children in the long run. It is not always necessary for them to make their bed, but learning this art at a tender age is very useful.
The best way to start teaching them how to make the bed is when they are toddlers. Slowly parents can progress to allow them to make their bed. Many children like to arrange their pillows and soft toys themselves, and allowing them to do so can be a great incentive.
Slowly they adapt to the system and start preparing their bed themselves every morning. Parents can aid children by making their beds less complicated by only using the things they use.

How to Sweep the Floor:
Sweeping the floor can be a great thing to teach children. Giving a child a broom in their hand can cause an enormous mess around the house as they are interested in scattering the dirt rather than collecting it in a pile.
The best way to get them started is to give them a broom and teach them to sweep the floor patiently. The best age for children to begin sweeping is between the age of 7 to 8 years. Parents can keep their children beside them while cleaning in the initial stage, and soon they will learn the tactics very quickly.
Young kids can hold the dustpan and help elders who are sweeping. Starting this way will help children gain interest in sweeping. Older kids, say between ages ten and above, can begin sweeping themselves and learn to use other cleaning gadgets in the home.
For homes with carpeting, you can also teach them how to use a vacuum, and you can click here to learn more about one of the best vacuums on the market, should you feel like you would like to replace your current model.
Teach Children How to Mop a Floor:
Mopping a floor comes after the child has learned to sweep well. By the age of 9 or 10, children pick up tactics used by their parents to mop the floor. Parents can then teach their children how to use the mop, prepare the mop water, rinse the mop head, and handle tough spots around the house.
Parents can instruct their children by showing them how to mop different house areas. By doing this work, kids feel thrilled that they contribute to the home’s cleanliness, which is very rewarding for parents.
How to Remove Clutter:
Teaching children to remove clutter, especially from their rooms, can prove very helpful as many adults find it challenging. Teaching children this work at a tender age can prove beneficial as they develop long-term habits.
You can start by letting your children watch you when you declutter your stuff. Instill a good habit in your children by teaching them to sell their cluttered items or give them to someone less fortunate.
Children are very cautious to learn, and if taught the right way, parents can instill excellent cleaning habits, which is rewarding in the long run. As parents, we must teach children how to keep neat.