Want your friends to have a fabulous time at your loved one’s baby shower? Try these baby shower activities on for size!
So you’re in charge of the baby shower activities.
The activities you plan could mean the difference between everyone having a great time, and everyone groaning at another cheesy shower game. There’s no pressure in that.
Hello, Baby! 7 Hilarious Baby Shower Activities Your Guests Will Love
If you’re stuck on ideas for baby shower games, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with this fun, and often funny, ideas.
Here are seven activities to get you started.

Baby Food Guessing Game
Have you tried baby food lately? If not, you’re in for a fun surprise with this game option. And you’ll likely see many funny facial expressions from guests, so get your camera ready to capture them.
Remove the labels from several baby food jars. Keep track of the flavors. You can create new numbered labels or write a corresponding number on the jar with a permanent marker.
Have guests sample the baby food from the jars. You’ll need plenty of clean disposable spoons to avoid spreading germs.
Everyone writes down their guesses for each jar.
In the end, ask for guesses on each jar. You’ll likely get some very creative and funny answers.
Everyone who guesses a flavor correctly gets the point for that number. The winner is the person who gets the most points by guessing the most flavors correctly.

Stroller Race
If you have a large, open space, put the stroller driving skills of your guests to the test.
Set up an obstacle course of sorts by placing items a mom might encounter in her day throughout the area. These might include a basket of laundry, toys, or other household items.
One at a time, guests have to strap a baby doll into the stroller, then navigate through the obstacle course without hitting anything. If the stroller touches one of the obstacles, add a 5-second penalty.
The person who gets through the stroller obstacle course with the baby doll still strapped into the stroller wins the race.

Guess the Baby
Help your guests get to know one another or have a good laugh with a guess the baby game.
In the invitations, ask everyone to bring along a picture of themselves as a baby or toddler. Hang a string with clothespins on it in the party area.
When guests arrive, collect the photos. Assign a number to each photo. Clip them onto the string with the clothespins.
The guests then guess who each picture is. Have them write down their guesses on paper, using the numbers by the photos to keep track.
If the guests don’t know each other well, having everyone wear a nametag makes it a little easier for guests to write down their guesses.
You can also do a celebrity version of this game.
All you need is to print photos of celebrities’ babies. People guess who the celebrity parent is of each child.
Or you can print photos of celebrities when they were babies. Guests guess which celebrity each baby grew up to become.

Baby Version of Name That Tune
Get everyone singing along and having a good time with a baby-themed version of Name That Tune.
Create a list of songs that have some version of baby or babe in them. Choose a short clip from each song without giving away the song title in the clip.
Play one song at a time. The first guest to guess the song correctly earns a point. The person with the most points at the end wins the game.

Blindfolded Diapering
Even the most seasoned parents might find diapering a little more challenging when they can’t see what’s going on. That’s what makes this game so funny.
Have at least two diaper changing areas with a doll and a stack of diapers. Divide the guests into teams based on how many stations you make.
One person from each team puts on a blindfold and makes their way to the diaper changing station. They have to take the diaper off of the doll and put a new one on, all while blindfolded.
Once done, they pass the blindfold to the next person on their team. This pattern continues until everyone has a turn.
The first team to get everyone through their turn at diapering the doll wins.

Bottle Chugging
Make chugging your favorite beverage a little more challenging with this activity. You’ll need a baby bottle for each guest. These can be washed and given to the mom-to-be after the shower.
Fill each bottle with a beverage. When the challenge starts, the guests drink the beverage as fast as they can out of the bottle. It’s not as easy as it seems to drink from a bottle nipple.
Expect lots of funny expressions and surprised looks when the participants realize how much work it is.

Baby Price Is Right
Who hasn’t dreamed of stepping on stage and having a chance at The Price Is Right? With this baby shower activity, everybody gets a chance to live out their dreams.
Buy several baby-related items before the shower. Keep track of the prices. You’ll need to know them for the game.
Think about items that would be good gifts for new moms. At the end of the shower, you can send home the items from the game with the guest of honor.
Create a worksheet with each item listed. Or you can pass out paper and have guests write their guesses on it.
Hold up one item at a time and give a brief description of it. Guests write down how much they think the item costs without going over.
In the end, ask guests how much they think each item costs. You might get some hilarious guesses from people who haven’t bought baby items in a while.
The guests with the closest guesses on prices win. Have a small prize for the winner, and send the baby-related items home with the mom-to-be.

Plan Fun Baby Shower Activities
The baby shower activities are one of the biggest parts of planning the event. Have fun with the activities to keep the guests at ease.
Look for more great ideas in our parenting baby archives.