With summer just around the corner, it’s time to get fit and healthy! If you’ve booked a family vacation in the sun, you’ll want to look amazing and feel healthy. You’ll definitely need lots of energy in order to keep up with your little ones antics around the pool. As parents we know that staying fit and healthy is essential, it’s actually doing it, that’s the hard part!
Embarking on a new regime in order to achieve a new healthier lifestyle can be a little daunting at first, but a little guidance and commitment will help you on your way. Check out these 5 Ways to Get Fit and Healthy this Summer!
5 Ways to Get Fit and Healthy this Summer!

1. Make a pledge!
Making a commitment to getting in shape and enjoying a healthier lifestyle is half the battle. Actually doing it and sticking to it is the rest! It’s very easy to get into the mindset of “not wanting to” exercise today or “I’ll start tomorrow”.
If you suffer from existing health issues, consult your medical practitioner for advice and if your schedule is really busy, did you there is an online pharmacy www.simpleonlinepharmacy.co.uk who can delivery your medication straight to your door? This will free up time to exercise!
2. Vision
If you create a vision of how you would like to look and feel, you are more likely to achieve it. Really focus on why you want to get fit. Have a reason. Try to imagine looking into a mirror and seeing a fitter, healthier, younger you looking back.
3. Diet
The old adage “you are what you eat” is true in so many ways. If you eat fresh, healthy foods you will feel and look healthy. Fatty, processed foods will make you feel the opposite. Of course a little of what you fancy does no harm at all. Try to incorporate clean, organic, healthy food into the whole families diet – everyone will benefit and healthy eating will become normal rather than a short-term fad.
Food should be seen as fuel rather than comfort. Try to eat what your body needs and no more. 80% of achieving success in your new lifestyle will be down to diet alone. If you’re unsure about what to eat or how much you should be eating it may be a good idea to consult a dietitian for advice.
Staying hydrated is extremely important, especially if you’re exercising as well. Your body works at its optimal ability when it is hydrated. Your skin will look better and you will be less likely to suffer from hunger pangs. Choose what you drink wisely and avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks.
4. Get active!
The key to staying active is actually choosing an activity that you enjoy. There’s no point in scheduling swimming into your regime if you hate it, as you won’t do it! Don’t choose an activity that is going to be too much, for example if you want to run, start off by walking and build up gradually – you’ll be doing your first marathon in no time at all!
5. Don’t give up!
Try to see your new routine a s a permanent lifestyle change and don’t stop at the first hurdle. Often it’s a good idea to exercise with a group of like-minded people who can motivate each other with their goals. It is also important to get the whole family on board as you will benefit from their support.
There Ya Go!
These 5 Ways to Get Fit and Healthy this Summer will put you on the right path to hit your goals! Here’s to a healthier summer vacation!