Empowered Brain, the first wearable system for autistic children (previously only available at schools), is now available at home! Keep reading to find out more!

As the school year starts again, many children are going back virtually. Last year, emergency online schooling proved that our special-needs children were not getting the necessary resources. As the new year begins, there is additional anxiety from children and parents. 

How will we ensure our children are engaged, occupied, and able to handle this newfound anxiety and uncertainty? Brain Power’s creators are now offering an option for at-home that was previously only available at schools.

Empowered Brain: The First Wearable System for Children with Autism

Empowered Brain uses augmented reality to help Autistic individuals better interact with the world. With the use of highly specialized software and Google Glass, Brain Power can improve the lives of Autistic children and adults.

Before COVID 19, the folks at Brain Power worked directly with schools. However, since schools are shut down, they are trying to make this impressive technology available to parents for the first time. They recognize that it is expensive (because Google Glass is VERY expensive), and to make this as accessible as possible to parents, they are offering a 10% discount.

Empowered Brain, the first wearable system for children with autism (previously only available at schools), is now available at home! Check it out here.

About Brain Power

Brain Power’s mission is to help you empower the brains of people with invisible neural challenges. Empowered Brain helps teachers to empower their students (young children up to transitioning adults) with augmented reality experiences that teach them social-emotional skills in a social setting. The heads-up system engages and motivates students gamified and automatically generates data on their progress for IEP reports.

How Does Empowered Brain Work?

Trying out Empowered Brain, I was genuinely amazed by the impact and ease of use. Whether virtual reality technology or augmented reality like Empowered Brain, many devices require extensive time and effort. On the other hand, Brain Power only takes 10 minutes or less to work. It is also great because you can use one device for the whole family.

Our daughter was a little concerned about using the device since she wears glasses daily. The device fits easily over her glasses, and she could use it easily. Since it only takes ten minutes or less a day, it was not a huge struggle to get our autistic children to use it. 

There are four significant areas that Brain Power addresses. This device can help all three of our autistic children’s needs due to the range of these topics. 

1. Social Interactions

Social interactions are crucial for self-sufficiency but challenging for some autistic children. Brain Power measures and assists in the following areas:

  • emotion decoding based on facial and body language
  • recognizing emotionally important events
  • face-directed gaze
  • social eye contact
  • conversation pragmatics
  • and more.

Through evidence-based research at Harvard and MIT, users have demonstrated increased self-confidence, the foundation of social integration.

2. Language

Delays in language learning cost dearly in education and socialization. Using neuroscience and cutting-edge tech, Brain Power provides ways to increase motivation and learning of language based on the actual learning style of children with ASD in general and then turned to the specific user. Gamified and based on the newest artificial intelligence, our apps are fun and adaptive.

3. Behavior Self-Control

Autism can involve repetitive behaviors. Ironically, these may have long-term impacts on self-sufficiency, but they may provide short-term comfort. We focus on managing underlying distress and sensory overload and learning to substitute more covert behaviors when desired. We also have apps for managing Transitions, e.g., transitions to new schools or simply a trip to the mall, and reducing stress and anxiety.

4. Job Skills

Having a good job is probably the highest form of self-sufficiency and dignity for an individual on the spectrum. We developed software modules to teach this population job-related skills of particular use. We also have modules that use the internet-connected camera and screen to provide remote, digital job coaching. This allows job coaches to serve more clients with less time wasted on transport and to reserve site visits when necessary, thus increasing the employees’ dignity and autonomy.

Empowered Brain, the first wearable system for children with autism (previously only available at schools), is now available at home! Check it out here.

Empowered Brain Games

There are currently four games offered to help with these skills. Brain Power’s team is continuously at work by keeping games up to date and further expanding this technology to help children with autism. Here are the current games offered:

  • Face2Face teaches players to pay attention to conversation partners through a rewarding game of face-directed gaze and eye contact.
  • Transition Master is a game where players view a 360° augmented-reality scene, which helps prevent the stress and anxiety of making transitions to unfamiliar locations.
  • Paint My World introduces players to augmented reality by adding fun, real-time filters to the world around them.
  • Play With Faces eases players into Empowered Brain and encourages paying attention to faces by adding digital cartoon masks on people in the area.

Privacy Assured

Privacy is a big concern when using any technology these days. One cool thing Empowered Brain does is give you data on student performance to make your IEP reports vastly easier. All data are housed safely and securely using the standards and services of Amazon Web Services that even hospitals trust. Also, no FERPA-controlled data are kept, and no student under 13 ever has a login account.

How to get the First Wearable System for Children with Autism

Brain Power is top of the line regarding augmented technology to help autistic children. Use our discount code to get Brain Power at 10% off. Empowered Brain is also purchased with flexible spending accounts (FSA). Click here to learn more and get your child up with Empowered Brain.

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