Please make no mistake that parenting is one of the most challenging experiences a person can tackle, yet it is also the most rewarding. Whether you are a new parent or have some experience, it’s a constant learning process that never ends. With 3.7 million births in 2021, new parents who may not know where to start are created daily.
To that end, several parenting myths have been created over the years, which can cause stress and anxiety. Let’s dive into some of these common parenting myths to clear up misconceptions and learn what a parent means.
Most Common Parenting Myths We Still Hear
A parent’s responsibility to their child is to keep them safe, housed, and fed. From protecting against disease by taking action such as locating a Covid antibody test in Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or other major cities to simply providing food from the grocery store, a child’s health and wellness are on the parent. Yet, parenting is still so much more.

Before diving into some of the most common parenting myths, you may hear as a parent, let’s cover the fundamental truths you must face:
- Parenting can be a thankless job
- Your children will grow up, and that’s okay!
- Parenting can be very boring
- You will make mistakes.
As a parent, taking care of your children will be nerve-wracking. This will only be made worse by worrying about myths you’ve heard over the years.
By discounting the following parenting myths you may have heard as a parent, you can learn healthier habits for taking care of your child:
Myth #1: There’s only one right way to parent
The truth is that there are a variety of parenting styles to choose from, and there’s no single correct choice. While there are unhealthy habits parents can use when raising their kids, there shouldn’t be stressful when choosing from the good habits. Whether you mirror the excellent way your parents raised you or use strategies from your favorite parenting book, you can raise a unique child in several ways.
Myth #2: You’re a good parent if you’ve never yelled at your kid
We’re all human, and from time to time, we lose our temper. Yelling at your child is never productive, but tempers can flare. When they do, use it as an excuse for a learning experience. Apologize to your child for raising your voice and explain that, while your actions weren’t acceptable, it’s okay to make mistakes so long as you own up to them.
Losing your temper occasionally doesn’t mean you’re a terrible parent. Good parents make the most of the situation and use it to show that nobody is above making mistakes and apologizing.

Myth #3: Any tantrum is entirely your fault
Children will throw tantrums at least once in their life. It’s unavoidable no matter how good of a parent you are. Children will always attempt to push the limits of what’s allowed, but it’s your job as a parent to set those limits. Naturally, a child won’t be happy when their request is denied, and a tantrum may result. While this can be frustrating, it doesn’t mean you are a terrible parent, instead, you are teaching your child about boundaries.
Myth #4: Allowing your child to struggle is a bad thing
The most effective way to learn is by practicing something repeatedly, which a child will never have the chance to do if a parent does everything on their behalf. While watching your child struggle with a task can be difficult, it can help them develop independence. With that in mind, be aware of your child’s limitations and know when to step in as a guiding hand.
Myth #5: Being a hover parent is a good thing
Did you know that studies show helicopter parenting can lead to higher levels of anxiety or depression in children? There’s a difference between helping your child by being there for them and doing everything on their behalf. Those same studies found that in children who had helicopter parents, lesser problems may cause anxiousness as they perceive the situation to be more severe than it is due to them being used to their parents “needing” to step in. Focus on allowing your child to develop levels of independence.
Counter These Parenting Myths to Master a Healthy Parenting Style
As mentioned, there is no single way to parent your child or children. We are all human and make mistakes from time to time. Don’t fall for the common parenting myths that may lead to unhealthy parenting habits; focus instead on consulting with friends and family who may have gone through your experience.
The most important thing to do as a parent is to show your child unconditional love and teach them how to be good-hearted. Do this, and your parenting journey will be off to a successful start!