My new novel, Not Sleeping, explores a special needs marriage that collapses under the weight of managing this problematic dynamic.
The Autism Life Through the Eyes of A Parent

Autism, Parenting, & Mental Health
My new novel, Not Sleeping, explores a special needs marriage that collapses under the weight of managing this problematic dynamic.
A Little Spark is a fully-illustrated chapter book, an ideal family read-aloud for families with kids ages 3-8 & solo readers aged 8 & above.
Discover personalized books for autistic children and how they can help with social skills, routines, and emotions. Learn more about In The Book!
Review of Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers & 30 Day Challenge Review #AD
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Is a three-phase plan that encourages you to eat huge dinners, desserts, and even indulgent snacks doable? Check out my first-week review of Always Eat After 7 pm to find out!