This post was sponsored by the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Being a mom of four children, feeling more secure in our home is extremely important. That’s why the security of our house is a priority for us. As this is a concern for most homeowners, we want to share what we are doing that makes us feel safer at our home. These tips are great for everyone, and many are super simple tips for home security. After these tips, I’m going to share with you the importance of the BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label.
Set your security routine:
One of the easiest things you can do to make bring about that sense of security is to make sure to lock up your home. This tip means to lock up both when you leave home and for when you are at home for the night. Close all your exterior doors & windows, making sure to lock everything up. If you have an alarm system, make sure to arm this each time as well.
Don’t Advertise Recent Purchases:
Have you ever driven by someone’s trash and noticed the box their new flat screen came in when they bought it? Well, burglars see that too. Make sure to break down big boxes and put them in the trash can. Don’t leave them outside before trash day either.

Lock up Sheds and Other Outdoor buildings:
Many homeowners have sheds and other storage containers in their yards to keep larger yard equipment. Make sure to protect those items with a lock.
Know your neighbors:
Getting to know your neighbors offers more benefits than you might think. Your neighbors can help keep an eye on your home when you are away. If you are out of town, ask them to help pick up your mail and place the trash out on trash day to make it appear someone is home.

Make your home look occupied
On the way to make it appear someone is home when you’re not, is by setting lights on timers. You can also set the radio on a timer as well.
Lost your keys? Change the Locks ASAP!
The last thing anyone wants is the keys to their home in the hands of someone else. If you’ve lost your keys, you need to head to your local big box or hardware store to get some new locks for all your doors. Look for the BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label on locks and deadbolts so you can find the right locks for your home.

BHMA Certified locks
Whether you’ve lost your keys or just looking to replace, you can now confidently choose the right locks for your home. We had the same locks on our house since we bought it about twelve years ago. Our daughter had a meltdown and, in the process, slammed the door so hard the lock got stuck. So we had to go shopping for a new lock.
Shopping for New Locks
When I got to the store, I realized there were a ton of different options available. There were many options to choose from, but I knew I needed a stronger lock since it was for exterior doors. That’s why I was happy to find the deadbolts and locks with the BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label on them. I was able to use their Good, Better, Best Rating system to select the perfect locks for our home. This new label is designed to help consumers purchase certified locks for their homes.

The Good, Better, Best Rating System
The Good, Better, Best Rating System was made to make consumers more confident in their lock purchase. These BHMA Certified locks and deadbolts are vigorously tested in the three areas that matter the most: Security, Durability, and Finish.
For Security, BHMA measures how well a lock or deadbolt can withstand impact. For durability, they measure how well a lock or deadbolt functions after repeated, long-term use. Strength is critical for high traffic doors like front and back doors. Finally, Finish measures how well a product can survive various environmental elements. When exposed to the weather, like snow and ice, you want your locks to withstand the test!
Each category receives a rating of C (good), B (better) or A (best) for the deadbolts and locks. From there, you can decide which lock is best for your home and situation. These certification and ratings are signified by the BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label.
Using the Good, Better, Best rating with BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label
When you are choosing the right locks and deadbolts for your home, ask yourself which Good, Better, Best rating combination in Security, Durability, and Finish is right for your home. No matter the combination you choose, you will know your certified lock is tested and superior to other locks.
Visit your local big box or hardware store and look for the BHMA Certified® SecureHome™ label on locks and deadbolts!