How to tell if you have anemia and manage it

Do you feel weak and tired all the time? You could be suffering from anemia. This is a common condition in women since they lose a lot of blood every month through the menstrual cycle. It can also occur in men especially those who are above 60 years. Anemia is caused by the lack of enough red blood cells in your body. Sometimes, you may be having red blood cells that don’t contain sufficient hemoglobin.

Anemia causes the lack of proper flow of oxygen in the body. It, therefore, can lead to brain fog, lethargy and affect your moods. In severe cases, anemia can complicate the normal functioning of body organs such as the brain and heart. Today, we will help anyone with this condition find ways of coping by providing enough details of the disease. Read on!

What causes anemia and what are the symptoms of the disease?

Having anemia can leave you feeling extremely tired and weak. Check out the symptoms, causes, and the different treatments for managing Anemia.

Your body needs hemoglobin which is a protein rich in iron that gives the red blood cells color. This substance assists your body cells to supply oxygen to the lungs and other body parts. The red blood cells prevent the body from getting illnesses and excessive bleeding.

This condition can have different causes. In some people, they may be lacking sufficient vitamin B12 from taking restrictive diets. A lot of vegetarians are at risk of getting anemia from this cause due to the lack of taking animal products.

Pregnancy and candida are also possible causes of the condition. Candida interferes with the normal absorption of nutrients such as vitamin B in the body. Diseases such as AIDS, cancer, and arthritis can also expose one to anemia. Digestive problems also affect how your body absorbs essential nutrients making you prone to the disease.

How to cope with the Anemia

Knowing the symptoms of anemia can save you from severe complications. Patients with anemia do not have enough oxygenated blood in the body. That is why the first symptom of anemia is body weakness. Low levels of iron and poor nutrition can make one anemic.

Other symptoms of anemia include loss of sleep, stress, a pale skin, irregular heartbeat, breathing problems as well as dizziness. Some people also get cold feet and hands since the body can face temperature changes and headaches. The symptoms of anemia can be mild, but they can progress if left untreated.

Consume iron

Your doctor can prescribe iron supplements to increase the level in the body. You can also experience stomach upset, dark stool, constipation and heartburn. Try to raise these levels by eating foods that provide you with the nutrient.

Some of the sources include seafood, red meat, poultry, spinach, tofu, and legumes. Taking Vitamin C also allows the body to absorb iron. Therefore, take healthy fruit juices with your iron tablets. Beets are also necessary to help improve the circulation system and enhance the iron levels in the body.

Nourish the spleen

The spleen is the one that produces red blood cells in the body. When the spleen is not functioning effectively, it causes anemia. You can nourish it by taking specific foods such as pumpkin, butternut squash, and acorn squash.

Such foods reduce the symptoms of anemia and allow it to function well. You can also boost it by taking leafy vegetables like chard, kales, and lettuce. Consume bitter herbs before you eat your main meals since they promote the functioning of the spleen.

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Get vitamin B12

Sometimes, anemia can be caused by the lack of sufficient vitamins in the body. You should, therefore, get vitamin B12 as a supplement. It can be administered in the form of a pill or an injection. This helps your doctor to evaluate the levels of your red blood cells in the body. You can obtain this vitamin in food such as cheese, fish, eggs, milk, and shellfish.

Take probiotics

Probiotics are useful in improving your gut health. A healthy gut ensures that your body absorbs the necessary nutrients. Taking iron supplements cannot be helpful if your digestive system is unhealthy. A leaky gut prevents your body from absorbing essential minerals and vitamins.

Consuming foods rich in probiotics fixes the underlying problem and allows your body to continue absorbing nutrients. You can get healthy sources from yogurt, sauerkraut, and milk kefir. You can also take the probiotic supplement to support your digestive system.

Avoid taking alcohol

Alcohol rehab prevents the body from generating red blood cells causing a deficiency. The chemicals in it can also damage the blood cells before they mature. Heavy consumption of the substance causes anemia. Start reducing how much alcohol you consume until you can break tolerance. If you are struggling with this, seek professional help from a rehabilitation center.

Obtain folic acid

The growth of your red blood cells depends on folic acid. You should consider getting a folate injection or taking the pills for some few months. Adjusting your diet is also necessary for receiving this form of vitamins. Therefore, obtain it from foods such as bread, beef liver, bananas, and leafy vegetables.

Reduce stress

Anxiety and stress affect your organs such as the liver and spleen and exhaust them. That is why it is crucial to include relaxation techniques in your schedule to recharge the system. Try meditation or sign up for yoga class and reduce the symptoms of anemia.

You can also get herbs such as ginseng which is useful in lowering the cortisol hormone. The herb helps in combating stress by reducing the production of this hormone.

Reduce your sugar intake

Your body does not need a lot of sugar when you have anemic symptoms. Replace refined sugar with natural sweeteners that do no raise your blood sugar. Consider getting raw honey or blackstrap molasses. The second substance contains a lot of iron to boost the already existing levels. Ensure that you take these sweeteners in minimal amounts.

Managing anemia

Treating anemia should start from home using some of the natural remedies we have mentioned above. Change your lifestyle and diet and keep track of any changes in your symptoms. Consult the doctor in severe cases to rule out other medical conditions as you undergo several tests.

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