Every child is unique, and each has their learning style – their best or preferred method of acquiring knowledge. Generally, there are different types of learning styles: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. In this article, we’ll focus on the visual learning style. We’ll talk about the traits of visual learners and strategies you can try at home to help them learn better.
What is the visual learning style?
The visual learning style is all about seeing things to learn them. Visuals can be of any form, including spatial awareness, brightness and contrast, colors and tones, and other visual information.
Examples of visual learning include an in-person demonstration or watching a video of a meal being cooked, looking at graphs to understand statistics, following the diagram to assemble a piece of furniture, and more.
How to know if your child is a visual learner?
Some typical traits of a visual learner include:
· Prefers visual instructions
· Understands charts/graphs/pictures and diagrams easily
· Doodles and draws often
· Notices easy-to-miss differences between pictures and objects easily
· Prefers color-coded material
If your child is a visual learner, here are some learning strategies you can implement to help your visual learner succeed:
Give Time for the Picture to Load
A visual learner always takes time to answer a question. This is because they look for the answer by rewinding the tape in their minds. Give them extra time to answer questions to convert pictures to words and vice versa.
Use Sight Words
Since visual learners rely on their eyes to see, process, and learn, sight words are effective in helping them learn better. For example, showing a mountain picture while speaking it aloud can better help a visual learner memorize the word “mountain.”
Finger mapping
Finger mapping is pointing out sounds or letters in a word using your fingers. This technique helps visual learners see the sound of each letter and aids them in writing down the word correctly. It’s like handing over a map to a person who has difficulty following verbal instructions.
Transform Your Home into a Visual Dictionary
Consider labeling everything in your house – right from doors, furniture to stairs. The written words will create a mental image in your child’s mind, and that will help them connect it to the object.
Use Flashcards
Flashcards work well for visual learners because the information is presented as images. Try breaking down the information into smaller units. Present each unit on separate cards using colorful and relevant pictures. Flashcards also come in handy for repetition and to improve memorization skills.

Color Coding
Visual learners understand colors the best! Use different colors for different concepts. For example, use red to underline mistakes and yellow to give a star if everything is correct. Make sure you are consistent in using the same colors to denote the same concepts.
Make Memorisation Fun
Memorizing facts such as state capitals can be difficult for a visual learner. You can make it easy for them by creating a funny image for each fact. For example, if you want your child to memorize the word “Big Ben,” create a funny mental image of a boy named Big Ben holding a massive clock on his head. When you make visual associations like this, it works as a great memory trick, and the process is fun.
Strategies for Visual Learners
Visual learners are usually deep-thinkers, creative, and have unique perspectives on the world around them. Understanding your child’s learning style and helping them learn better with the help of the above strategies will ensure that they are making the most of their strengths and talents.