Curious about the possible Health Benefits of Filtered Water? Is it superior to tap water? What about bottled water? Keep reading to find out more!
These days more and more people are looking for ways to guarantee that the water they are drinking is the safest, most health-beneficial water possible. There are different water options, including tap water, bottled water, and different kinds of filtered water.
Health Benefits of Filtered Water
There are many studies on the advantages of each of these water options. Many of these studies have found that filtered water is the best for our bodies for several reasons. This even includes sparkling filtered water, which is an important factor to mention as some people simply do not like plain, still water and prefer to fizz it up. A SodaStream is a common way to do this, with users being able to refill SodaStream quick connect canisters once they’re empty to help keep the machine running. Whether it’s sparkling or still, this article will lay out four health benefits of filtered water.
Filtered Water is Dechlorinated
The first reason filtered water benefits our health is that it is dechlorinated. Many other water sources, including regular tap water, have had chlorine or chlorine compounds like sodium hypochlorite added to the water.
This is because chlorine and its compounds act as powerful disinfectants. It kills harmful bacteria and nasty diseases found in dirty water like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. This is, of course, a positive thing because those diseases can be fatal when consumed. Typhoid and cholera cause over 250,000 deaths worldwide due to people drinking untreated water.
The problem with chlorine is that it is indiscriminate when killing bacteria. Even though there is only a trace amount of chlorine in our tap water when we consume it, it also kills off our friendly gut bacteria. This bacteria is very important for keeping our immune system strong and producing essential vitamins.
While adding chlorine to the tap water is vital to keep it safe before drinking it, we should filter it out first.

Water Filters Remove Byproducts of Chlorination
When chlorine is added to the water during chlorination, many unwanted byproducts are produced. This happens when chlorine reacts with organic compounds found naturally in the water supply. These byproducts can have serious adverse effects on our health, such as brain problems, cancers of the liver and kidney, heart disease, and, in the most severe cases, can lead to death.
Installing a water filter in your home ensures that these potentially deadly chemicals are removed from your water before you drink it. Your water filter should come with the manufacturer’s maintenance and cleaning instructions just like aquagear’s water pitcher.
With so many potentially harmful chemicals in the water, you do not want to take any chances, so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. You must maintain your water filter and keep it clean to do its job correctly and remove all of these unwanted byproducts.
Reduces the Load on Our Kidneys
Another essential health benefit of filtered water is that it significantly reduces the filtering load on our kidneys. Our kidneys are magnificent organs and are our body’s primary detoxifying tools. They filter all the fluids that pass through our bodies, including the water that we take in through drinking.
If our drinking water has already been filtered externally, we can significantly decrease the toxic load on the kidneys and help those kidneys function effectively for longer. The kidneys are such an essential part of our body that experts recommend drinking at least two liters of filtered water every day.
Remove Heavy Metals and Minerals
Unfiltered tap water can often contain heavy metals and minerals, such as mercury, arsenic, and lead. While typically, these are only present in trace amounts, the long-term effects of consuming these trace amounts throughout a lifetime have yet to be determined. Lead is highly toxic and can cause many health problems in people. This is why substances like lead-based paint are now banned in many countries.
Likewise, arsenic is a potent poison in high doses. Mercury poisoning can damage your significant organs, skin, and eyes. Water filters remove these heavy metals and minerals. This means your water is free of these harmful substances, which could cause serious issues.
H20 for the Win
There are a significant number of health benefits from drinking filtered water. These are without even considering the financial savings of not buying bottled water. Filtered water is free from chlorine, its byproducts, and all the potentially harmful metals and minerals often found in tap water.
Filtered water is far kinder to our kidneys and protects all our other organs from damage. If you want to improve your water quality, install a water filter today.
I like how you mentioned that dechlorination is the first benefit of drinking filtered water since too much of it can harm our gut bacteria. My wife and I are thinking of getting a water filtration system in our home because we noticed the other that our tap drinking supply tasted stranger than normal. I think it’s a good idea for us to consider all of our options when choosing a reputable filter to help clean our hydration source so we can be as healthy as possible.