Are you a mom getting ready to try homeschooling? You better get set up for success. Take a look at these tips for setting up your homeschool space.
Homeschooling has grown in popularity in recent years, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier than before. In fact, homeschooling has been a requirement for many parents since the breakout of COVID-19.
4 Easy Tips for Setting up Your Homeschool Space
You’ll have to get around several challenges to be successful at homeschooling. First, you’re going to need a designated space. Keep reading for some tips for setting up your homeschool space.
Meet in the same place or two every day
Consistency is key when you’re homeschooling. Try to meet in the same part of the home, whether that’s the dining room or the kitchen table. You want to replicate a classroom setting as much as possible—if you meet on the couch, you might get too comfortable and be tempted to turn on the TV.
However, we all need a change of scenery from time to time, so you could set up two places if you wish if you have space.

Set up with comfort in mind
When you decide where your “classroom” will be, make sure you have comfortable chairs that you’ll be okay, sitting in for long periods. Otherwise, you may get stir-crazy and want to get up and move around.
Keep in mind that it’s homeschooling––you make the rules. You can certainly take a short walk to get some fresh air and sun; just make sure you’re following the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.

Keep school supplies organized
Keeping your school supplies organized is just as crucial as setting up your homeschool space. Finding your school supplies—whether that’s pencils, papers, or textbooks—shouldn’t be a daily challenge.
Make sure that, at the end of each day, you encourage your children to put away their school supplies. Otherwise, your classroom is going to start looking like an arts and crafts room.

Have adequate home office equipment
So many great online resources are available for homeschool parents to use, such as printable worksheets, multiplication tables, drawing activities, and so on.
In other words, even in our digital age, you’re probably going to print a lot of papers. Don’t let that scare you—we know printer ink and paper can get expensive, but there are ways to save money on those materials.
For paper, we simply suggest purchasing in bulk—don’t buy one ream at a time. For ink, find out your printer’s model and consider getting remanufactured or compatible ink cartridges.

Setting up Your Homeschool Space
If you’re trying to homeschool for the first time because of your city or state’s restrictions in response to COVID-19, you’re not alone. A lot of parents are scrambling to figure out what they’re going to do, but know there’s a vast community out there to support you. We’ll get through this!